
Michigan city commissioners fired after flying Pride flag in violation of 'rule of law'
[NYPOST] Two Hamtramck, Michigan, commissioners were fired from their positions after they flew a Pride flag on city property.

The Hamtramck City Council on Tuesday voted to remove Russ Gordon and Cathy Stackpoole from the Hamtramck Human Relations Commission.

The Council sent Fox News Digital a statement saying that the commissioners had defied the "rule of law."

"This Council believes in fairness, neutrality towards our residents, and the rule of law, amongst other things for this community. We passed a resolution recently to do just that, and two of our sworn commissioners outright defied it, and did what they wanted," Council member Khalil Refai said in the statement.

Refai went on to say, "We were elected by the people of the community to make these decisions, and they not only violated the resolution but the trust of the whole community by doing this. For this reason, Council felt the appropriate response was to remove them from their public positions of trust."

This move came after the Council voted to remove the commission’s authority to fly flags on city property on June 13.

The Council voted to ban Pride flags, among others, due to opposition from religious groups who disagree with the ideology represented by the symbol.
Specifically the Moslems, who are now not only in the majority, population-wise, but have matured enough as a community to get themselves elected to run things in the way that makes them happy — much to the dismay of the Progressives who were so happy to bring them into the local government.

Posted by: Fred 2023-07-17