
Afghan Troops Fire Rockets On Pakistan’s Border Post
Pakistani and Afghan Pashtuns in uniform border forces clashed at Torkham on Friday where Afghan Pashtuns guards fired rockets on the offices of Pakistani Pashtuns officials causing damage to the buildings and injuring two women. Afghan border guards reportedly beat a Pakistani carpet trader who was trying to cross the border. He was followed by an Afghan Pashtun guard even after he crossed the border into Pakistan. When they were arguing, Pakistani troops approached them and also tried to calm them down.
"Hey, you guys! Stop jumping up and down and rolling your eyes and waving your guns! You're scaring the camels!"
Meanwhile, the Afghan Pashtun guard took a rifle and opened fire, which was retaliated by the Pakistani forces.
"Cheeze! It's an argument! Duck!"
The Afghans then fired three rockets on Pakistani post causing damage to the building.
"Take that! Our caliber's heavier'n your caliber!"
The incident created panic in the border areas. The international border between the two countries was also closed down.
They closed the border, just over a little difference of opinion? Boy, ain't they touchy? Wonder if anybody taking part in the combat was injured with all those bullets and rockets flying?... Nah. Just a coupla women. They shoulda known better...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-07