
WND - 'It's Always Been Obama'
[WND] It's so damn obvious. You'd have to be delusional, naive, a moron or a Democrat not to understand what went down.

You'd have to be delusional, naive, a moron or a Democrat not to understand our country has been sold out.

And you'd have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to understand this wasn't President Joe Biden's plan. Biden has always been former President Barack Obama's "useful idiot."

The answer to every question about who committed the crimes, who sold out our country, who the mastermind is, is always the same ...

IABO: It's Always Been Obama.

It's all out in the open now. Everyone can see Biden is the most corrupt human to ever sit in the White House. It's believed he stole tens of millions of dollars as vice president. He extorted and accepted money from companies and countries around the globe. His son Hunter was the bagman; Joe was "the big guy" who got a large piece of every dirty deal, every bribe ... and then, like Al Capone, he cheated on his taxes.

Biden allegedly hid the money in 20 shell companies ... and in offshore bank accounts ... and paid little or no taxes on all that dirty money. Biden makes Al Capone and the Gambino crime family look like amateur pickpockets.

But you're missing the real story.

What did Obama know and when did he know it? Obama was president when all this went on. Obama was in charge when Biden was robbing us blind. Obama oversaw all this crime, corruption, extortion and tax fraud.

Obama was president when his vice president's son ran around the world on a one-man crime and sex spree. Hunter Biden acted like he represented the United States government, while snorting coke and smoking crack off prostitutes' backs ... while having sex with possibly underage girls, filming it all and putting it on his laptop — opening the entire United States to blackmail.

And you think Obama didn't know about any of this?

Obama was oblivious to the crimes being committed by his vice president? Obama didn't know about the nonstop extortion racket going on right under his nose? Obama didn't know about Hunter's escapades and the blackmail danger he was putting our country in?

No one in the Secret Service told Obama what they were seeing? Not one of Obama's aides noticed that his vice president was crooked? Or that his son was a one-man gangster and sex fiend representing the USA all over the world?

Obama never heard a word about Burisma? Obama didn't know his VP's son was on the board of a foreign company while VP Biden was extorting the president of Ukraine by withholding $1 billion of U.S. foreign aid, in order to force him to fire the prosecutor investigating his son's company? No alarm bells were ringing in the White House? No one in the DOJ or FBI ever warned Obama about what was going on with his vice president?

All DoJ and FBI trails on the Biden lead back to Obama. That's precisely why nothing has been done about it. Everything is backstopped to Obama, the first black president.

Posted by: Besoeker 2023-07-25