
1 in 35 Who Got Boosted Developed Myocarditis, Study Finds.
[NationalPulse] One in 35 people who received the COVID-19 mRNA booster vaccinations had vaccine-associated myocardial injury, according to a peer-reviewed, industry-independent study from the University of Basel.

The study, which is due to be published in the highly accredited open-access journal of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, aimed to identify the incidence rate and symptoms of myocardial injury — inflammation of the heart muscle — after mRNA booster vaccinations.

The study found that myocardial vaccine-associated injury was "much more common than previously thought," occurring in one out of every 35 people — around 2.8 percent. The symptoms were found to be mostly mild and transient.

These results were broken down further, finding myocardial injury "significantly more often" in women than men, with a median age of 46 years old. Women developed symptoms at a rate of 3.7 percent, whereas men developed symptoms at 0.8 percent. This may be explained by the "higher vaccine dose per body weight or myocardial mass in women and therefore dose-dependent toxic effects," the study suggests.

"If regulators around the world don’t take notice of the information... then they are at best, in my view negligent, at worst they don’t wanna think about it," states Dr. John Campbell, who adds:

"This is a range of adverse reaction that is off the scale in healthcare: off the scale."
How does this compare to other vaccines that got approved? Without hard numbers I cannot judge whether or howmuch I should be appalled.

Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed 2023-07-29