
Doctor Calls Vaccine Mandates ‘Scientifically Inconsistent and Illogical,' Forced ‘Humiliations' in Testimony Before Coronavirus Subcommittee
[American Greatness] In testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Thursday, a doctor from the University of Washington said that Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates subjected Americans "to the humiliations of forced medical treatments," were "scientifically inconsistent and illogical," and "an insult to our American foundation of freedom."

Dr. Kevin Bardosh, an affiliate assistant professor, cited an academic paper he published in the BMJ in March of 2023 on COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults which found vaccine mandates on college campuses to be inappropriate and unethical because it likely resulted in a net harm to young people.

"In our paper, we combined empirical risk-benefit assessment and ethical analysis," Bardosh explained. "We estimated that to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalization over a 6-month period, between 31,000—42,000 young adults aged 18—29 years would have to receive a third mRNA vaccine," he continued. "But this would mean that for each hospitalization prevented with these booster mandates, at least 18.5 serious adverse events from mRNA vaccines would occur, including 1-5 booster-associated myopericarditis cases in males (typically requiring hospitalization)."

Three other witnesses testified before the Committee hearing titled "Examining the Science and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates," including Danielle Runyan, the Senior Counsel for First Liberty, a legal organization that is representing many U.S. service members who lawfully objected to the required injections, and Allison Williams, a sports reporter who was fired from ESPN after 10 years of employment because she refused to get the jab. Williams is now a reporter for Fox Sports.
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-07-29