
Briefly about Niger. 08/03/2023
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin:

[ColonelCassad] 1. The United States and Italy verbally abandoned the idea of ​​military intervention in Niger, declaring the impossibility of their military intervention. De facto, France is offered to fight for its (now gone) uranium with its own hands and the hands of local dependent governments.

2. Against the backdrop of the evacuation of some citizens from Niger, the United States has already announced that it will keep its embassy there, but will reduce staff and replace the ambassador. Italy will also keep its embassy, ​​but will take out other citizens - the evacuation is already underway.

3. The worst thing that has happened so far for the military that has seized power in Niger is cutting off the supply of electricity from Nigeria, which will affect local consumers, since Nigeria supplies more than half of the electricity to Niger. Cash payments to Niger through the World Bank and the EU have also been stopped.

4. Despite threats and pressure, General Ciani said that the military would not make concessions and would not restore the deposed French puppet in power. To pressure and threats, they will respond decisively and not bow down.

5. In addition to Algeria, Mali and Burkina Faso, Guinea, which is in China's sphere of influence, also came out in support of the new authorities of Niger.

6. In the capital of Niger, demonstrations continue in support of the army that seized power, and they also continue to drag and hang Russian flags. Almost all key administrative facilities in the capital are controlled by the rebels. There is no serious resistance, as well as mass demonstrations in support of the overthrown Bazuma.

7. In general, a very interesting story is developing in Niger, which will affect a large number of countries and in one way or another change the balance of power in West Africa. It is already obvious that the French neo-colonial empire has received a heavy blow, and the processes of decolonization, which were suspended after the destruction of the USSR, continue to gain momentum.

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Paris says Niger cut off French media broadcasts

French radio station RFI and TV channel Frace 24 were interrupted in Niger, representatives of these media reported on August 3.

“A week after the coup d'état in Niger, according to several sources on the ground, RFI and France 24 programs were interrupted in the country. The group condemns this decision, taken outside the traditional and legal framework," the radio station said in a statement.

The team leaders said that similar cases had previously occurred in Burkina Faso and Mali, and noted that "up to a quarter" of the inhabitants of Niger, that is, 2.5 million people, were viewers and listeners of their media.

In turn, the French Foreign Ministry in its statement condemned the cessation of broadcasting of the TV channel and radio station in Niger, calling on the rebels to stop "authoritarian repression" and ensure freedom of the press.

As IA Regnum reported earlier, on the night of July 27, a group of military men in Niger announced a coup d'état and the overthrow of the country's President Mohamed Bazum. On July 30, leaders of the Economic Community of West Africa announced that if President Bazum did not return to power within a week, military action would be taken against the rebels.

At the same time, representatives of Burkina Faso and Mali said they would consider the invasion of Niger a declaration of war on their countries. Meanwhile, the military that seized power in Niger announced that it was suspending uranium exports to France and accused Paris of intending to restore the power of ousted President Bazum by military means.

Posted by: badanov 2023-08-04