
The Democrats Trying to Destroy the Supreme Court ā€“ AGAIN!
[Armstrong Econ.] The Democrats sent a letter demanding Alito recuse himself on any such question regarding the power of the Supreme Court. Once again, just as FDR tried to stack the court to turn the United States into his vision of a Marxist Utopia following Stalin after he recognized the Communists as a legitimate government, they are at it again. They are out to utterly destroy the freedom of the United States and are attempting to regulate the Supreme Court to only rule in their favor. This is all part of 2032 where our nation is so divided, it will no longer be able to stand as one nation.

The Democrats are beside themselves after Justice Alito told the Wall Street Journal that Congress lacks the authority to regulate the Court. He expressly stated:

"Congress did not create the Supreme Court," Alito said. "I know this is a controversial view, but Iā€™m willing to say it.

No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court ā€” period."...
The article is relatively long with some images, but those with a legal background might find it interesting.
Posted by: DooDahMan 2023-08-06