
Sikh Man Who Turned the Tables on Shoplifter Facing Criminal Charges
[RedState] As RedState reported, a Sikh convenience store owner turned the tables on a shoplifter as he attempted to get away with thousands of dollars of stolen merchandise.

The viral scene unfolded in California, showing a man shoveling entire shelves worth of tobacco and other products into a trash can while taunting the owner with proclamations that “there’s nothing you can do.” The shoplifter quickly learned that wasn’t true, though, as he was tackled to the ground and beaten with a rod.

Apparently, while many California cities have no desire to actually enforce the laws against people who steal from business owners and put them in financial peril, they are interested in enforcing battery laws involving the protection of said businesses. According to a new report, the Sikh man is now facing criminal charges as local police investigate the incident.

Some are making the argument that the force used on the shoplifter in the video was excessive, and as a purely legal matter, that may be true. The shoplifter was begging for mercy while the store owner continued to swing back and strike him. The question is at what point the store owner is expected to disengage, and he likely passed that point.

Still, I think that argument misses the broader point of what normally law-abiding citizens are dealing with and what the ultimate consequences are of refusing to enforce the law against criminal vagrants. These business owners (and also just people walking down the street) are being ignored by local police and prosecutors as they are harassed, assaulted, and stolen from. It was just a matter of time before someone reached their breaking point and lashed out.

That’s really the story here, as far as I’m concerned. We can argue the finer points of the law all day and at what point self-defense turns into aggression. But what would solve all these problems and avoid scenes like those in that video is having local jurisdictions and state governments that are willing to put shoplifters and other common criminals behind bars so they can’t continue to terrorize people. Until that happens, we are going to see a lot more of what we saw in that video.

Related: See original Instagram video with commentary here. The sidebar says:
While several other national outlets have posted this these videos, cropping out the source, we actually interviewed the person who recorded them and confirmed the location of the incident.

On Saturday July 29th at 2:44am an unidentified robber entered the 7 Eleven on 121 Center St across the street from the Stockton Police Station according to our source Deda who says he recorded the now viral interaction. At this point the strong arm robber began filling up a garbage with mostly tobacco products behind the cashier counter.

After verbal exchanges take place the robber attempted to make his getaway shoving a clerk. At this point the tables turn rapidly as the assaulted clerk grapples his to the ground and another clerk rushes in to defend his coworkers with a broom stick.

After pummeling the thief two dozen times with the stick, the robber gives up. Encouraged by the source recording the video, Deda, the robber exits the store. “I picked him up from the two employees whooping his ass and escorted him out. Saved his life”, says Deda.

According to Deda the police never showed up despite being directly across the street from the police station. That fact may be due to a dire level of staffing on the police department. Current City Manager Harry Black has failed to increase levels of sworn officers to the Stockton Police Department even as Measure A comes up to a sunset. Measure A is a sales tax passed by Stockton voters in 2013 that “promised” to use the nearly $29 million a year it brings in to increase the number of officers on the force. Proponents even used scare tactics saying of voters didn’t pass the tax, the city would descend into chaos and violence. Ten years later there has not been a single year when that promised was kept and the police department has one less officers now than when it was passed despite over $290 million being stolen from tax payers.

Posted by: NoMoreBS 2023-08-07