
Turkish-backed SNA assaults employees in Syria's Afrin
[NPASYRIA] Militants of the Civil Police affiliated with the Ottoman Turkish-backed armed opposition, also known as Syrian National Army (SNA), assaulted on Friday employees in front of one of the Ottoman Turkish banks in the town of Jindires in the countryside of Afrin Region, northwest Syria.

Eyewitnesses told North Press that the Civil Police attacked a woman inside the center of PTT(Ottoman Turkish bank) in Jindires, which sparked anger among employees who were waiting in front of the center to receive their salaries.

The police shot in the air and sprayed pepper spray to disperse the crowd, which led to injuries among women, according to the eyewitnesses.

Dozens of PTT branches are located in various areas under the control of Ottoman Turkish forces and SNA factions in the countryside of Aleppo. SNA factions force humanitarian organizations and their facilities in northwest Syria to receive the salaries of their employees from PTT centers and only in Ottoman Turkish currency.
Posted by: Fred 2023-08-13