
Daily Evacuation Brief August 18 and 19, 2023

Daily Evacuation Brief | August 19, 2023

[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • NEW REPORT DOCUMENTS RISING CASES OF FEMICIDE UNDER THE TALIBAN – Afghan Witness produced the report and noted hundreds of cases of women being murdered by the Taliban. Some are beheaded and their bodies have been reputedly dumped in rivers and on the streets. The study recorded 188 cases of women who were murdered from January thru July of 2023 alone. A copy of the report can be accessed by clicking HERE.

  • PAKISTAN MEDIA CONFIDENT TTP LEADER KILLED IN AIRSTRIKE ON 14 AUGUST – Citing anonymous government sources, several mainstream journalism outlets in Pakistan began reporting that Dost Muhammad (aka Asad Afridi), a key leader in the TTP, was killed in a drone strike carried out on a hotel in Khost. While several rumors had been circulating that he had been targeted, few news sites published the accusations until yesterday. The stories also referenced the use of a drone to carry out the attack on the hotel. If true, it is likely the Government of Pakistan sanctioned the attack.

  • MARSHAL DOSTUM THREATENS ACTION – The exiled politician made the comments during a meeting of the Supreme Council of National Resistance on 17 August. In the meeting, Dostum listed the many overtures that had been made to the Taliban over the previous two years and opined that the regime is incapable of compromise. He then stated that his fighters who remain in Afghanistan are ready to oust the Taliban from power. While the Taliban have made light of Dostum’s remarks in the past, a source in Kabul says that he is probably the only exiled leader who the Taliban fears. It is not clear if his comments were mere saber rattling or if a strategy to intervene is on the table.

Parwan: Follow up to 18 Aug report - The AFF released additional information about the clash in Parwan province yesterday. The clash reportedly resulted in the deaths of 5 Taliban with 2 others wounded.

NEXT 24 HOURS: No Threats Reported

Daily Evacuation Brief | August 18, 2023

[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • RUSSIA DOUBLES DOWN ON CLAIMS THAT WESTERN GOVERNMENTS ARE SUPPORTING RESISTANCE GROUPS – After the Russian Defence Chief told reporters from the TASS news agency that Western countries are increasing their support for non-Pashtun Resistance groups, it appears that Russian media outlets have taken up the story with gusto. The new claims follow on the heels of others that suggest the US is working directly with the Taliban to target both ISIS and Al Qaeda. No evidence has been offered to support any of these claims and many have simply dismissed it as obfuscation tactics meant to draw attention away from Ukraine.

  • CHINESE COMPANY HUAWEI AGREES TO INSTALL NATIONWIDE CCTV CAMERA SYSTEM – The Afghan Digest recently reported on a visit by Huawei executives to discuss the possibility of setting up a national system for monitoring citizens and infrastructure. Recent reporting in international business journals indicates the company is moving forward with the project and intends to establish a network in all 34 Provinces. It was not immediately clear if the project involves a contract or is being done as a favor to the Taliban.

  • IRANIAN AUTHORITIES ARREST 12 WOMEN ACTIVISTS – Police and Intelligence personnel rounded up 12 noted women’s rights activists in Gilan yesterday. There are unconfirmed rumors of additional arrests in Tehran and elsewhere in the country. Analysts say that arrests of those suspected of involvement in the protests that erupted last year have risen sharply over the last three weeks and believe the regime is attempting to thwart the return as the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death approaches (16 September).

Parwan: A strike team from the AFF has reportedly attacked the Taliban outpost in the Sarjoi area late last night. The clashes lasted well into the early morning hours. Casualties were inflicted but an accurate count has yet to be provided.

NEXT 24 HOURS: No Threats Reported
Posted by: trailing wife 2023-08-19