
The case of Svetlana Shelar
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Ivan Runev

[REGNUM] What did the inspection of the director of the kindergarten, whose sons turned out to be the National Guardsmen of Ukraine, show?
A scandal broke out last week in the small village of Donskaya Balka in the Stavropol Territory. One of the employees of the local kindergarten "Lastochka" said that her husband died in the NVO zone. For this reason, she took three days off work from the head of the kindergarten, Svetlana Shelar . The manager released her subordinate, but added that her husband himself was to blame for his death. According to the employee, Svetlana literally said that the Russian who died in the NVO zone came to her land to kill her relatives, so he got what he deserved.

What did the inspection of the director of the kindergarten, whose sons turned out to be the National Guardsmen of Ukraine, show?

A scandal arose, to which the rest of the villagers and social activists joined. Together they wrote group statements to law enforcement agencies with a request to dismiss the head of the kindergarten, and along the way to check her for possible support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to social activists, there have long been rumors in the village that both sons of 53-year-old Svetlana Shelar, Andrei and Nikolai, are fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the head herself constantly threatens parents that she will do something terrible to their children, if anything happens to her sons, something will happen in the NWO zone.

The villagers' demands to "fire" and "punish for complicity with the Armed Forces of Ukraine" were only half fulfilled. Svetlana was nevertheless fired from the kindergarten, this was reported to IA Regnum by the administration of the Petrovsky urban district of the Stavropol Territory. But to convict a woman of supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the fact that both of her sons serve in the army of Ukraine did not work. Law enforcement officers did not find any evidence of threats from Svetlana against residents, nor evidence that her children really fight in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The point in this scandal has not yet been set. Svetlana Shelar filed a lawsuit against social activists, accusing them of unsubstantiated slander. The woman wrote a statement to the police, where she indicated that local residents and public figures were spreading false information about her and her children.

IA Regnum journalists tried to figure out which part of the accusations against the disgraced head is true, and which does not find evidence either after a journalistic investigation or after a thorough check carried out by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We talked to all sides of the conflict in order to draw up a chronology of the scandal, as well as to understand how the mother of the “AFU militants” works with the children of the Russian military in the Stavropol Territory.

Accusation 1. The manager mocked the dead in the SVO
A high-pitched conversation between Tatyana Skripkina , an employee of the Lastochka kindergarten, and head Svetlana Shelar took place. This is confirmed not only by the testimony of witnesses, but also by Svetlana herself.

Larisa Skripkina, sister of Artem Skripkin , who died in the NVO zone, told IA Regnum that on the day when the news of Artem's death came, her daughter-in-law Tatyana went to ask Shelar for three days to recover. The manager let the girl go for three days, but, according to Larisa, she did not show proper sympathy, but, on the contrary, condemned the deceased for participating in the SVO.

“I remember that Tanya told me immediately after that conversation and quoted Shelar. Shelar said verbatim: “Tanya, don’t be offended, but why did your husband go there, this is not your territory. My family and friends are there, so he went to kill my family and friends?” Then, of course, she apologized to Tanya for her words and persuaded her not to quit,” recalls Larisa.

IA Regnum also has an audio recording of the conversation between Tatyana Skripkina and Svetlana Shelar a day after the quarrel. From it it becomes clear that the manager does not deny that she has said too much in her hearts, and admits that she said the above phrase to the widow in vain.

Excerpts from the conversation:
Tatyana : Svetlana Nikolaevna, I cannot accept your words. This is the father of my children. If you had told me them at another time, but not on the same day. Is that how you sympathized with me? You said OH. Did he go personally to your relatives, to kill them? He was called by Russia, he did not run there of his own free will. And he died there, protecting us, so that you and we could sleep peacefully.

Svetlana : And my children do not sleep peacefully, and my parents do not sleep. And my soul hurts too, because they are simple people. My children don't fight, they work. And my grandchildren are sitting in bomb shelters. My soul also hurts, like my mother, like my grandmother, like a simple woman. That night I could not wait for a call from them, I did not sleep.

Therefore, there was such a reaction. You know that I usually remain silent, although my heart is torn to pieces. I have no opportunity to leave, I would have left for them long ago. I'm sorry for what I said, I sympathize with you. I know what it is to bury, I buried my son. I don't wish harm on anyone. And now I'm being trampled into the dirt. In vain I said too much, it would be better if I was silent.

From the conversation it becomes clear that Svetlana really said on a tragic day for Tatyana that the deceased was to blame for the death, because he went to kill her relatives. But the fact of mockery of the deceased in the spirit of “It’s good that they killed him”, “He shot at my relatives, so he got it,” which many Telegram channels wrote about, no one in the village could confirm to us. Personally, no one in the village heard such phrases from Svetlana Shelar.

Charge 2. “Both sons are fighting in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And if something happens to them, don't forget that your children are with me."
Many Telegram channels wrote about this, but there was no documentary evidence of this fact. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Territory also conducted a check on the statements of public figures, but they failed to establish that both sons of Svetlana Shelar were fighting against Russian soldiers. It was not possible to establish the fact of threats from Shelar to the parents of the pupils of the kindergarten.

All the residents of the village interviewed by law enforcement officers said that they simply heard this phrase from someone, but they do not remember from whom. The police could not find to whom Svetlana Shelar threatened personally.

The head of the Petrovsky urban district of the Stavropol Territory, Natalya Konkina, told IA Regnum that none of the charges brought against Svetlana Shelar was confirmed.

“We have no evidence that the sons of Shelar are fighting on the side of Ukraine. We received a refusal from the police to initiate a case for lack of grounds, that is, her guilt was not proven after the audit. They wrote a statement to her, there was a check. But there is no evidence , ”said Konkina.

The Shelar family has Ukrainian National Guardsmen and servicemen of the RF Armed Forces
In 2014, immediately after the Maidan, Svetlana moved to Russia. In Ukraine, she left her parents and sons. Shelar moved to the Stavropol Territory to take care of her elderly grandmother. According to a police source, during the interview, the manager said that her children remained in Ukraine to look after Svetlana's parents.

In Russia, Svetlana met 58-year-old Yuri Bogdanov, whom she married. Yuri also had two sons - Roman and Alexey, the latter served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Svetlana, along with Yuri, often visited Alexei when he was serving in the Russian army.

The Ukrainian family Shelar and her Russian new family were friends until 2021, joint vacation pictures on social networks testify to this. In numerous photographs, former serviceman of the RF Armed Forces Alexei Bogdanov hugs former National Guard of Ukraine Nikolai Shelar. While in Russia, Svetlana did not speak out against the annexation of Crimea, on the contrary, she often rested there with her husband. But Shelar never forgot about the Ukrainian family, and in 2021, together with her new husband Yuri, she visited the family of her son Nikolai in Kharkov for the last time.

IA Regnum managed to find out where the information came from that both sons of Svetlana Shelar were fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against Russia. Svetlana has two sons: the eldest Nikolai - he is 32 years old and the youngest Andrey - 29 years old. Both were members of the National Guard of Ukraine in the past, but, according to Shelar herself, they now work in regular jobs.

Former cook of the kindergarten "Swallow" Natalya Medvedeva told reporters that she remembers the day when everyone found out that Svetlana's eldest son Nikolai was a military man.

“It was 2019. We celebrated someone's birthday, there was a tea party, everyone was sitting at the table. The manager was in high spirits, showed photos of her sons, was glad that her son had received some kind of rank or position, I don’t remember exactly. She said that he was a military man, he was in uniform. I don’t remember anything else, I then quit because of the low salary. Svetlana and I constantly fought about this, so I quit because they didn’t even pay me the minimum wage, and now everyone is paid 18,000,” Medvedev said.

We found the social networks of Nikolai, he really is in many photographs in the form of the National Guard of Ukraine. According to our information, during the survey, Svetlana Shelar said that her son graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, from where he graduated with the rank of lieutenant in 2014, hence the pictures (from graduation).

In social networks, the last pictures in the form are dated just 2014. The younger son Andrei also served in the National Guard of Ukraine, but, as Shelar says, he has not been an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time.

We tried to personally ask Svetlana about her sons, but the former manager does not pick up the phone, and reads the messages, but does not answer. We managed to get through to her husband Yuri Bogdanov. He stated that the situation was exaggerated, but because of it and the persecution, he and Svetlana had to leave the village for a while. When asked by a journalist whether Svetlana's children serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuriy hung up.

We also tried to get through to Svetlana's sons who live in Ukraine. It turned out to contact only with Nikolay. He answered a regular mobile phone, but when asked about his mother and his service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he abruptly said no and, sending the journalist to a piquant place, hung up.

Local residents believe that even if the sons of Svetlana Shelar do not fight in the Armed Forces of Ukraine against Russia, but were once employees of the National Guard of Ukraine, she still did not have the right to hold the position of head of a kindergarten.

Posted by: badanov 2023-08-25