
Not All Legislators Use the Poor and Minorities for Political Gain
[RCP] Hypocrisy — claiming to have beliefs to which one's behavior does not conform — has long been a defining characteristic of many politicians. But a few brave souls recently have bucked the official party line to stand up for their beliefs and constituents.

Georgia state legislator Mesha Mainor recently announced she is leaving the Democrat party to become a Republican, saying, "For far too long, the Democrat Party has gotten away with using and abusing the black community. For decades, the Democrat Party has received the support of more than 90% of the black community. And what do we have to show for it? I represent a solidly blue district in the city of Atlanta. This isn't a political decision for me. It's a moral one."

Minor says her Democrat colleagues crucified her when she decided to stand up for disadvantaged children in support of school choice.

Kansas Democrat Marvin Robinson hasn't changed party affiliation, but he is taking a lot of abuse from Democrats for supporting school choice for disadvantaged kids and protecting biological women's right to compete in the Fairness in Women's Sports Act. He says one female Democrat in the Legislature told him he should die.

Mainor says, "The most dangerous thing to the Democrat Party is a black person with a mind of their own."

Kansas Democrats also pressure members to vote against children and for the unions.

Rep. Brad Boyd, an Olathe, Kansas Democrat who serves on the Olathe School Board, says school choice "targets black and brown kids, who can't afford to attend some of these prestigious private institutions when we take money away from public schools."
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-08-25