
Somali warlords call for international intervention
  • Three Somali warlords called for international military intervention in Somalia, saying radical Islamic groups al Qaeda and al-Itihad had several bases in the country. Somalia's transitional government has strongly denied the presence of terrorist cells, and diplomats have warned that opposition warlords may use the U.S. war on terror to try and damage their opponents. Hassan Mohammed Nur Shatigudud, General Abdullahi Nur Gabyow and Hussein Aideed said foreign intervention was needed to stop extremist groups going underground. "Al Qaeda and al-Itihad terrorist groups have got three major bases inside and around Mogadishu alone. The southern port city of Kismayu and Bosasso and the surrounding areas are their strongholds," Gabyow said. "I myself can mobilize up to 50,000 of my militia and fight alongside any international force which would come to Somalia to help eradicate the terrorist group destroying our country."
    "And with the help of just a few Rangers and some B52 strikes, I can have all my enemies heads on sticks to decorate my rock garden, and maybe a few friends, too."
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-12-28
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=678