
Heir to Peter the Great. How Elon Musk saved Russia
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Not entirely sure Musk can stand the accolade.

by David Norman

[RIA] Russia, as you know, has two allies: Donald Trump and Elon Musk. The former's problems with the law accompanied him throughout his entire presidential term - due to the “hand of the Kremlin”, which rigged the election results. Now he faces more than 500 years in prison. And, apparently, the only chance for him to remain free is to exchange the dock for the Oval Office.

The richest man on the planet has not yet revealed any political ambitions, but an investigation has now also begun against him. But first things first.

A real information bomb for the American media was the publication by CNN of an excerpt from Musk’s biography - they say that the crazy billionaire last year ordered the operation of Starlink to be limited during the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attack on Crimea. Because of this, unmanned boats were unable to hit Russian ships, because they lost contact and, like whales, “threw harmlessly onto the shore.” According to the TV channel, the reason for this decision on the part of the businessman was fears that the Kremlin, in response to a kind of Pearl Harbor, would decide to use nuclear weapons.

Then the private space pioneer himself decided to bring some clarity. He clarified that he did not turn off any Internet tap for Ukrainians: Starlink did not work over Crimea due to anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies, and there is no talk of any shutdown. He only refused to activate it at the request of the “government”, without specifying where exactly the request came from - from Washington or from Kiev.

This whole story looks, to put it mildly, very suspicious. It is unreasonable to carry out an operation whose goal is nothing less than “the destruction of the Russian Black Sea Fleet” in conditions where a key aspect is not only not worked out - it even depends on whether it will be possible to get through to Elon Musk so that he activates the satellites. Whether they were located over the peninsula at that time and whether they could even provide the necessary signal quality is a separate question.

Moreover, based on the plot described by CNN, this had to be done at the last moment, when the Rubicon had already been crossed. More like the plot of "Iron Man" than real life, don't you think?

No, Elon Musk is, without a doubt, an outstanding person. Man and the Internet. But it’s really hard to believe in all this.

And now about the most interesting thing - the consequences. After the publication of this whole story, firstly, some of the satellites were simply squeezed out of the billionaire. The share of Starlink equipment came under the control of the Pentagon with a flick of the wrist.

But the American establishment did not stop there. According to Bloomberg, the Senate Armed Services Committee has begun an investigation into the incident and has already requested data from the Pentagon about what happened.

“Neither Elon Musk nor any private citizen can have the final say when it comes to U.S. national security,” committee chairman Jack Reed said. In general, Atlanta was hit in the neck.

It would seem that such a reaction from the current American authorities should convince us that everything is for real, that he is a hero - Elon Musk. Second after Peter the Great! Pyotr Alekseevich created the Russian fleet, and Ilon Errolovich saved it in difficult times.

In fact, it is important to understand that Ukraine, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Crimea and Russia with the Black Sea Fleet are just figures of speech in this whole story. The point of the whole narrative is that supposedly an American entrepreneur of fair fortune from a Hollywood film saved the United States from a nuclear war, to which the country is being pushed by the current democratic leadership. And this movie is purely for the American audience. It’s just that the conflict in Ukraine is a very convenient landscape for this.

It’s hard to believe in Musk’s rebellion, because the billionaire’s very success, even taking into account his talents, would have been impossible without the active support of the American authorities - in word, deed and dollar. They are the main sponsor and customer of his space projects. And the emerging drift from the Democrats, whom he actively supported, to the Republicans could not go unnoticed.

Actually, the story itself was supposed to shape this drift in a more specific direction: the plot convincingly tells that the Democrats and Biden can bring the country to the brink. And therefore, the President of the United States and his supporters in Congress react in this way - they take control over part of the property of Musk-owned companies with the utmost rigidity. So that he and others would be disgraced. Here, of course, we can once again dwell on the topic of how America has pointedly trampled on its own ideals, but this is already obvious to everyone.

And all such stories need to be looked at exclusively from the point of view of the inexorably approaching American elections, and not the stalled Ukrainian counter-offensives.

Posted by: badanov 2023-09-17