
Kadyrov proudly admits his son beat the man who burned the Koran
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[RIA] The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, published a video on his Telegram channel in which his son Adam beats Nikita Zhuravel, who was detained for burning the Koran in Volgograd.

“Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s actions. He was always distinguished by the desire to grow not among his peers, but among older ones, thanks to which he formed adult ideals of honor, dignity and defense of his religion. I respect his choice,” said the head of the republic.

In his opinion, a person who has offended tens of millions of Russians with his actions should be severely punished. The head of the region noted that Russia has a “unique law” that protects sacred scriptures at the state level.

In August, Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova asked Chechen Ombudsman Mansur Soltaev to check information about the beating of Nikita Zhuravel in the Grozny pre-trial detention center.

Security forces detained the man at the end of spring. According to investigators, no later than May 19, he burned the Koran near the Cathedral Mosque, located on Povorinskaya Street in Volgograd. At the same time, Zhuravel filmed his actions and then published the video on an Internet portal controlled by the TsIPsO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During interrogation, Zhuravel stated that he committed this crime at the direction of the Ukrainian special services for ten thousand rubles. He subsequently handed over the video to an SBU officer. The man also admitted that he was filming Russian military installations on instructions from Kiev.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the second part of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Public actions expressing clear disrespect for society and committed with the aim of insulting the religious feelings of believers.”

Posted by: badanov 2023-09-26