
Viva Frei:
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Absolutely heads must roll over this incident. Mass firings. Imagine a Trump administration that offered a standing O to a real-live Nazi. That's the sort of reaction we should be getting here, and it's not happening. It's the first step on a long road to redemption.

There is a huge roadblock trying to study national socialism, and that is that Hitler and the Nazis were the absolute worst humanity could offer, with no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. Disagreeing with this got you banned for being a Nazi.

Now, people - leftists!! - are saying it openly. Nobody is censoring them, and their accounts are not being suspended.

The left yesterday:
"Punch nazis!"

Also the left today:
"Some nazis are good sometimes, it's complicated."

Pretty soon, people are going to start asking lots and lots of awkward questions about national socialism, and they will not be censored or banned like before.

Posted by: Harcourt Tholuse6841 2023-09-26