
$43 million in grants and gifts, ‘Center For Antiracist Research’ magically goes belly up
[LawEnforcementToday] When you are born with the name Henry Rogers, probably one of the most white-sounding names out there, it is challenging to come across as some racial justice warrior. Change your name to Ibram X. Kendi, however, and it is easy to pull the wool over the eyes of anyone, in particular virtue-signaling corporations and universities. Kendi took that to an absurd level and enrichened himself in doing so.

In 2020, amid the George Floyd riots, Kendi, whose claim to fame was a racist book called "How To Be An Antiracist," was able to dupe Boston University into hiring him to lead its newly-minted "Center for Antiracist Research."

After three years and $43 million in grants and gifts, the Center for Antiracist Research has jettisoned half its staff as of last week, BU’s student newspaper, The Daily Free Press, reports.

What did Boston University gain from Kendi’s grift? Not much, with the “research” center producing little in the way of actual research for the tidy sum of $43 million. Despite most of that money remaining unaccounted for, Kendi will continue to oversee the center as it transitions to so-called “fellowship model.”

Fox News Digital said the university confirmed the center laid off at least 15 staff members in what was referred to as an “evolving” process.

“The Center is evolving to a fellowship model. Dr. Kendi remains the Director. We can confirm that there were layoffs at the Center. The University and Center are committed to working with and supporting affected employees as they look for their next opportunities,” BU University PR Associate Vice President Rachel Lapal Cavallario said in a statement.

The tens of millions in gifts and grants to the Center included $10 million from former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, according to 2021 budget records obtained by The Daily Free Press. The list, which was not all-inclusive, listed TJ Maxx’s foundation, Stop & Shop, and Peloton as donating over one million dollars to Kendi’s grift.

Complaints against the Center began in 2021, slowly building a reputation for having a toxic work environment. In a stark example of irony, one of the complaints surfaced was allegations of discrimination in the supposed “antiracist” organization.

However, one of the tenets actively advocated for by Kendi himself was discrimination as a solution to discrimination.
Posted by: NN2N1 2023-09-28