
Daily Evacuation Brief September 30, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • PAKISTAN GRAPPLES WITH MAJOR TERRORIST ATTACKS – The twin suicide bombings yesterday in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa appear to have killed over 50 people who were celebrating the birthday of the prophet. The first suicide bomber targeted a police vehicle that was stationed near a Mosque in the Mastung District. People were gathering for a procession to mark the holy day. The second blast is thought to have taken place inside a Mosque in Hangu and the roof is said to have collapsed as a result of the detonation. At least two people were killed in the second attack. Police had been warned of possible attacks but protecting so many celebrations was virtually impossible. The TTP was quick to issue a denial of its involvement in the attacks and as of publication, no group had claimed credit for either bombing. Analysts strongly suspect that one or both attacks were orchestrated by ISIS-K or possibly Baloch nationalists. However, late-breaking news out of India suggested a possible link to the Indian Intelligence services (RAW).
    Blowing up a mosque? I’m not qualified to judge, but I thought RAW were among the good guys.
    A Twitter account that has long been associated with RAW issued some bizarre tweets that seemed to say the bombings were some type of retribution for the killing of an Indian Detective Superintendant in the Uri area on 16 September. Obviously, any Indian involvement could easily escalate tensions between both countries.

  • TTP INFILTRATORS REPORTEDLY THWARTED IN ATTEMPT TO ENTER PAKISTAN – In a separate incident, Pakistani military forces engaged TTP militants attempting to cross the border near Sambaza. In the ensuing firefight, 3 TTP militants were reportedly killed and several others were wounded. 4 Pakistani soldiers were also killed in the melee. A source in Rawalpindi said Pakistani military leaders believe the TTP may be attempting to move a large number of forces into the country with instructions to assemble sometime in October to engage directly with the Army. It was not clear if yesterday’s incursion was related to recent reports of a large-scale offensive planned by the TTP in Pakistan proper.

  • RUSSIA REPORTEDLY GIVES A COLD RECEPTION TO THE TALIBAN AT THE MOSCOW FORMAT MEETING – According to sources present at the summit, the Russian delegation was in no mood for pleasantries and announced several blunt criticisms of the Taliban that will likely rankle Kandahar and Kabul.
    Glad to hear it.
    The Russians were concerned that a civil war was coming due to the Pashtun dominance of the government. Russia said it did not believe that peace could be sustained until a truly representative government was formed.
    ...which would be on the far side of never, so yeah.
    Until the Taliban agree to an inclusive power-sharing agreement, Russia will not recognize the Taliban as the legitimate leaders of the country. It was not clear if China or other countries present had also taken a hard line with the Taliban.


Parwan: An AFF attack on the Taliban district administrative offices in Bagram reportedly resulted in the deaths of 5 Taliban fighters while 4 others were injured. The night operation took place near midnight and involved assaults from both flanks of the building.

Khost: The local GDI director for the Taliban in the Musakhel district was reportedly assassinated and 2 other unidentified Taliban were wounded by unknown gunmen yesterday.

NEXT 24 HOURS: No Threats Reported

Posted by: trailing wife 2023-09-30