
The Russian Foreign Ministry accuses US Secretary of State Blinken of lying about the Babi Yar tragedy
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] US Secretary of State Antony Blinken allowed himself a blatant lie when speaking about the Soviet Union's alleged hushing up of the Babi Yar tragedy, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on September 30 in her Telegram channel.

She recalled that the Nazis, having occupied the territory of Kyiv, began sweeping operations and shot civilians on September 29–30, 1941 in the Babi Yar tract. Within a few days, tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and Soviet prisoners of war were killed.

“On the 29th-30th alone, the German fascists brutally literally destroyed 34,000 people - this is exactly what Blinken remembered, cynically lying about the memory of this tragedy in the USSR, and also “forgetting” that the executions continued until the liberation of Kiev [by] The Red Army in November 1943,” Zakharova wrote.

In her opinion, the most blatant lie of the American Secretary of State is contained in the phrase, monstrous in its ignorance and cynicism: “The Soviets buried this story.” Zakharova emphasized that no other country in the world has so consistently accused National Socialism of the crimes of the Holocaust as the Soviet Union.

The diplomat clarified that in March 1945, Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) No. 378 “On the construction of a monumental monument on the site of Babyn Yar” was adopted, in accordance with which work began on creating a park and installing a monument at the burial site victims. It was opened on July 2, 1976 on the territory later named the National Historical and Memorial Reserve "Babi Yar" in Kyiv.

A representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry noted that for the Soviet people, Babi Yar was the same bleeding wound as Khatyn, Treblinka or Auschwitz, liberated by Soviet soldiers. Nationally known and recognized creators dedicated their works to this tragedy: Soviet writer Anatoly Kuznetsov, director Mark Donskoy, composer Dmitry Shostakovich, she noted.
Don't forget Soviet writer Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who wrote a commemorative poem about Babi Yar.
“How did Blinken have the audacity to write that we supposedly don’t remember or didn’t remember the past, and even on the anniversary of the tragedy! On the other hand, what do we want from the US Secretary of State, who was declared by an Israeli publication one of the most influential Jews in the world last year, but who did not find words to condemn the honoring of a Nazi in the Canadian parliament?" - Zakharova concluded.

As Regnum reported , on September 22, Canadian parliamentarians, together with the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky , who arrived on a visit to Canada, supported the 98-year-old SS man with applause. He was introduced to legislators as a veteran of the “struggle for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” during World War II.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov drew attention to the fact that many Western countries have raised a generation that does not know who fought with whom, this is fraught with the fact that fascism will appear here and there, it is trying to stand on its feet in the center of Europe.

Russians, Poles, Belarusians, Jews, and Gypsies became victims of Ukrainian nationalism. In 1941, several thousand Jews and hundreds of representatives of the Polish intelligentsia, including teachers and scientists, were killed in Lviv. On September 29, 1941, in the Kiev tract of Babi Yar, Bandera’s followers shot gypsies, Jews and Soviet prisoners of war. In one day, 33,771 people were killed. In total, according to various sources, from 100 to 150 thousand people were shot.

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SS man Hunka goes into hiding after scandal in Canadian Parliament - media

SS man Jaroslav Hunka and his family are in hiding after a scandalous incident in the Canadian Parliament. This was reported by the local CBC television channel.

CBC: Ukrainian SS man Hunka and his family go into hiding after scandal
According to family friend Barba Bonanfana, the Junca family is “afraid to show their faces.”

The woman admitted that she did not know about Hunka’s SS past. And his family did not know about the plans of the Canadian authorities to give him a reception with a standing ovation in parliament.

“They thought that he would be in the same room with Vladimir Zelensky,” Bonanfant added.

As Regnum reported, on September 21 , 98-year-old Hunka was invited to a meeting of the Canadian Parliament dedicated to the visit of the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky . Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada Anthony Rota , to the applause of the audience, Zelensky and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, introduced Hunka as “a fighter for Ukrainian independence against the Russians during the Second World War.”
It occurs to me that my 97-year old mother was twenty years old when the war ended. Granted, she’d been running messages for the Dutch Underground for the previous several years, but I have to wonder how much National Socialist viciousness Mr. Hunka was able to get up to during the two years he wore the SS uniform. Still, perhaps he was a prodigy of evil.
The Kremlin, commenting on this scandal, stated that the fact that Zelensky applauded the fascists once again confirms the Kiev regime’s addiction to Nazi ideology.

Hunka told Canadian television that he wanted to leave Canada after the scandal broke.

The University of Alberta in Canada closed the educational foundation named after Yaroslav Hunka after an appeal from the Russian diplomatic mission.

Posted by: badanov 2023-10-01