
'Drones are dropping like flies.' Iran's military innovations will be useful in the Northeast Military District zone
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Sergey Adamov

[REGNUM] The Iranian Air Force is conducting large-scale exercises using various models of drones. The maneuvers take place at training grounds throughout Iran, as well as in the Persian Gulf. According to a statement by the country's Ministry of Defense, about two hundred drones of various types were involved in the maneuvers.

During the exercises, the tactics of using previously known drones of various classes were worked out, from reconnaissance and reconnaissance-strike vehicles like Ababil-3, Ababil-4, Mohajer-6 to various kamikaze drones such as Ababil-2 and Arash. Among other things, group strikes with kamikaze drones were practiced, as well as the destruction of naval targets with their help.

The Iranian military also presented a number of new developments, including drones designed to hunt other drones.

“During the exercises, the units worked out and implemented methods and technical means of electronic warfare,” said the press secretary of the drone exercises, Alireza Sheikh.

According to him, during the maneuvers, methods were tested to jam communications with drones using Ababil-4 and Kamaan-19 drones.

It is assumed that drones can be used as a platform for installing electronic warfare equipment that jams the communication channel between the control center and the enemy drone. In theory, this makes it possible to neutralize the threat posed by a “swarm” with just a few “jammer drones.”

As military expert, author of a number of books on the military-industrial complex of Iran, Yuri Lyamin , said in a commentary for Regnum news agency, work has been underway in Iran for a long time to create a “hunter drone.” Various models of drones are used as carriers for electronic warfare systems.

“Actually, the Iranians have long been using drones as carriers of electronic warfare systems, but usually for this they use specially equipped devices based on serial, previously repeatedly used drones Ababil-4, Mohajer-6 and others. The Kamaan-19 presented at the exercises is an attempt to create a cheaper, specialized drone for these purposes ,” the expert noted.

Iran did not disclose the technical characteristics of the new development. Based on the footage published online, it can be concluded that the Kamaan-19 is an aircraft-type drone that is designed to be launched from a runway. Presumably, the drone has a significant range and can be used to cover air bases from air attacks at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

Another novelty of the exercises were Karrar drones with an installed anti-aircraft missile. If the tests are successfully completed, drones will be able to be used to destroy large drones or manned aircraft: airplanes and helicopters. Attempts to adapt drones as carriers of anti-aircraft missiles have already been made several times by the Iranian military-industrial complex, but it is still premature to judge the success of the tests, says Yuri Lyamin.

“As for the Karrar drone with an anti-aircraft missile, it should be noted that the Iranians have been actively working in this direction for several years now. Previously, they had already tested Azarakhsh missiles (the Iranian version of the American AIM-9 anti-aircraft missile) from the same model. “At the current exercises, a missile from the Iranian Majid anti-aircraft complex was installed, which is generally newer and more powerful,” the expert said.

Karrar drones were adopted by the Iranian Air Force in 2009. Since then, the basic model has been repeatedly upgraded to perform reconnaissance and attack missions. The maximum range of use without combat load is about 1000 km, but adaptation for strikes reduces it to 400 km. Attempts to adapt Karrar to perform air defense missions have been made since 2017, but it is too early to talk about the result. Even though during the exercise the aerial target was successfully hit.

“It is now difficult to talk about the effectiveness of the combination of a drone and an anti-aircraft missile, but Iran is making serious efforts to create unmanned interceptors. In fact, they are one of the pioneers in this area,” notes Yuri Lyamin.

The specialist also added that Iran is developing loitering anti-aircraft missiles, known by the index given to them by the Americans as “358.” Judging by these developments, Iranian designers are able to combine a high level of innovation and manufacturability to ensure mass production.

In many ways, the past exercises of the Iranian Air Force can be considered a demonstration event.

First, Iran is showing its firepower to other powers in the region - Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as the United States, which has bases in the Persian Gulf. Also, the demonstration of drones could be used to attract potential buyers of Iranian military products.

Previously, Iran presented a large-scale exhibition at the Russian Army 2023 forum and offered a wide range of drones of various types for export. The Iranian military also presented advanced developments in the field of unmanned aircraft to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during his visit to Iran in early September. In particular, “358” ammunition, Shahed-136 drones and a number of other equipment were demonstrated.

Western media believe that Russia may in the future become the largest buyer of Iranian military products. However, Iran is not yet seeking to offer its most advanced developments for export.

“The same Karrar drone and Majid anti-aircraft missiles - also known as AD-08 - are offered for export separately, but the combination of a drone with a missile from this air defense system, as I understand it, has only now been fully tested in exercises. Accordingly, now Iranian specialists must study, evaluate, and so on all the information received. Then the drones should enter service with the Iranian Air Force, and only after that the drones can be presented for export,” notes Yuri Lyamin.

On the other hand, the specialist continues, Iranian developments in the field of drone engineering can attract the attention of foreign buyers due to their ease of operation, relative cheapness and experience of use in real combat conditions.

“As far as I know the Iranian military-industrial complex, parallel similar projects may now be underway there. In general, this is one of the very promising areas that can certainly attract the attention of foreign customers,” sums up Yuri Lyamin.

In theory, successful completion of tests of anti-drone technology could change the rules of warfare.

As Aleksey Chadayev, a public figure and leader of the Dronnitsa movement, previously noted in a commentary for Regnum news agency, the massive use of drones as part of a special military operation by Russian troops in Ukraine has seriously changed the nature of combat operations. The price of an anti-aircraft missile significantly exceeds the cost of a drone, which makes existing anti-aircraft systems ineffective to combat large numbers of drones.

In this sense, the possible appearance of Iranian developments in the Northern Military District zone will seriously reduce the role of enemy strike drones and ultimately seriously change the balance of power in the conflict zone. As military expert and reserve officer Alexander Mikhailovsky said in a commentary to Regnum news agency, drones equipped with electronic warfare systems can significantly complicate the actions of Ukrainian drones.

“The Ministry of Defense regularly gives reports: so many drones and so many missiles were shot down in a day. If we assume that such “mobile electronic warfare” is constantly flying in the sky, then there is no need to shoot down anything. He flies around, jams the signal, drones drop like flies. I don’t know about small-sized drones, but on those that fly 300–500 or 1000 kilometers, installing such equipment is quite possible. Everything will depend on its power. In theory, a massive raid of 20–30 drones can be stopped by 5–6 such “jammers,” the expert noted.

Alexander Mikhailovsky also noted that Karrar drones equipped with anti-aircraft missiles can hunt Ukrainian drones that operate at ultra-low altitudes and remain inaccessible to ground-based air defense systems. “Now they are adapting helicopters to hunt drones so that they can shoot them down with an automatic cannon. Now, maybe drones will hunt helicopters. But I’ll make a reservation that this is all purely theoretical,” the specialist added.

Posted by: badanov 2023-10-06