
Spanish shame of Europe: 'Voronya Slobodka' destroyed the 'blooming garden'
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Elena Karaeva

[RIA] The two-day Granada gatherings of the heads of EU member states ended in political failure: the highly respected meeting, dressed in white European clothes, did not agree on anything. The entire agenda, so carefully prepared by the diplomats, made a characteristic sound, which was accompanied by an equally characteristic smell. Seven hundred accredited journalists felt it immediately: at the end of the first day of the meeting, there was no briefing, not even a standard communiqué.

Translated from diplomatic to public: not on a single point, not on a single position, this club of the elite (aka the European Political Community) has not reached a consensus.

Macron - and this was his idea - turned out to be the political father of a stillborn child. In Prague, at the beginning of the summer, they agreed with the idea, believing that they would be able to organize accession to the EU through an accelerated procedure; in Chisinau , a couple of months later, the first doubts appeared, and Granada turned out to be an illustration of what is called “Spanish shame.”

It was immediately clear that the idea of ​​appeasing the most impatient people waiting for European membership would not work. The morals of those who are knocking on the door of the EU today with the request “let me in, we are not local, we want food, and also money” are such that they cannot be fooled with slogan chaff, they want allocations, and more. Refusing partnership with Russia, as a result of which they received everything they needed at “home prices” and ran their businesses, counting their profits, they requested the same from the European bloc. Same prices. And also a little leniency in regards to morals.

Well, financial tranches and other subsidies, as much as possible. In short, they demanded the keys to the apartment where the money was. And the apartment itself should be in a European Union building with exemplary culture and life. All-Europeans were somewhat surprised by such pressure, asking what was the reason for the rush. Their future partners replied that an aggressive Russian bear was chasing them.

The Brussels people, despite the pompous appearance and manners of Sergeant Prishibeev, when it comes to our country, are still not the worst fools, they know how to geopolitics, and are better than anyone else, aware of the reasons why Russia was forced to start SVO.

Therefore, of course, they did not believe the rhetoric about the terrible Siberian bear. They should have sorted things out with Ukraine , but then there was a line of people wanting to join the banquet.

It is not possible to invite everyone to a common table. It’s not even possible to organize meals for shifts. Moreover, this food in shifts causes surprise among those who know the situation from the inside. And even Ukraine, which was first in line, did not get much good from the experts.

Jean-Claude Juncker, who spent five years as President of the European Commission , said the following: “Anyone who has dealt with Ukraine knows that this state is corrupt at every level of society. <…> The country is not ready to rise to the level required by Europe level". And he added: “I don’t feel angry enough when I look at those who tell Ukrainians that they can be accepted into the EU immediately.”

The recipients of the wrath of one of the top leaders of the EU, even with the prefix “ex-,” are not in Kiev.

They are sitting in Brussels , familiar to him , in Berlin and, of course, in Paris . Macron is suffering one defeat after another in his foreign policy, France is losing influence in the world by leaps and bounds - with Scholz joining, ready to dodge like a snake to push Kiev through the gates of the “Garden of Eden”. Be it a carcass or a stuffed animal. Scholz, like Macron, has nothing to lose; he is ready to encroach on the pan-European Grail. For consensus decisions on any issues. The Franco-German commission, which has been working for several weeks, has prepared proposals that will make the hair on end not only of the former Juncker, but also of the current Orban.

The essence of the proposals : decisions on strategic issues should be made by a simple majority of votes.

The failure of the first day of the Granada meeting will seem like a nice joke if these proposals, albeit in an unformed form, are given to the participants of the meeting for study.

However, albeit for a different reason, the Hungarian Prime Minister has already stopped mincing words, saying: “Brussels raped us, us and Poland , trying to push through the Migration Pact. We will not make any more compromises. Neither today nor in the coming years."

This gives an idea of ​​the failure suffered by the policy of impossible promises, hopes that are not destined to come true, and the collapse of the entire pan-European ideology, once based on trust, and today on lies.
In order for the EU to survive, it will either have to agree to the new system of international relations that was proposed by Russia, or die, leaving behind a bad memory and a few old European stones.

Posted by: badanov 2023-10-08