
Illegals Issue Demands, Claim Their Rights Have Been Violated
[PJ] There is absolutely nothing new about people thinking that they deserve more than they do. Granted, there are times when the circumstances surrounding those demands are more infuriating, such as in this case.

For the sake of this column, we are going to focus on what is happening in Chicago for several reasons. Chicago is certainly not the only location where Illegal immigrants are making demands, and they have not just started making them. The difference is that the conflict between the underlying delusion of what this city and other sanctuary cities envisioned and what its citizens are now being forced to endure in reality has been exposed.

For instance, I can call myself a king and I can walk around acting like one — that is, until I’m challenged. Then reality sets in. That is exactly what Chicago, New York, and every other sanctuary city did. They put themselves high on the hill, and they looked down their noses at other cities, especially those on the border. They never expected to see any immigrants. They played king, but now the delusion is over and reality has come crashing in.

Chicago and other cities that played king have had their gates breached, and the intruders are not playing nice. They are not the subservient peasants that were expected. In far too many cases, they are not grateful to be here; in fact, they are ungrateful, unruly, and disrespectful.

Chicago has been sent about 17,000 immigrants. That sounds like a lot, but compared to the small border towns, it’s a drop in a bucket. At first, city officials, still thinking like kings, assumed that accommodating the influx would be the only problem. It isn’t.
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-10-08