
Saint Greta against windmills. The activist took up Scandinavia
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Viktor Lavrinenko

[REGNUM] The controversial environmental activist Greta Thunberg returned to the headlines of the world's tabloids: a Swedish court fined her for the second time in a year for blocking access roads to the oil port in Malmo, and in Norway they demanded that the environmental activist be banned from entering. The restless Thunberg is making every possible contribution to the destruction of the EU energy system. And this is not surprising, considering who is behind her.

Twenty-year-old Greta is spending this year, as they say, on a roll.

Moreover, the adult world strongly encourages her activities: in March 2023, the University of Helsinki announced that it would award Thunberg the title of honorary doctor of science.

Moreover, what is especially phantasmagorical, the Faculty of Theology of this university decided to celebrate her, opening eight honorary doctorates - one of them was received by the odious girl. In addition to her, professors, lawyers, journalists, translators, and microbiologists were awarded honorary titles.

However, the sign of encouragement from Scandinavian theologians is not accidental, if you know that earlier one of the parishes of the Church of Sweden (the largest Christian denomination in the country) declared Greta “the successor of Jesus Christ.”
And radical feminist Anna Ardeen (known for her sinister role in the fate of Julian Assange , whom she once accused of rape) called Greta a “prophet of our time,” comparable to biblical characters.

However, for Greta, the badge of honor from the University of Helsinki was by no means the first or the most significant. What is a doctorate in provincial Finland for her, if in 2019, while still a schoolgirl, she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize ? In total, she already has two nominations for the Nobel Prize - in 2019 and 2020.
If I recall correctly, Donald Trump was nominated four times. Probably half a billion people have nominating rights, and there’s no entry fee...
At the moment, twenty-year-old Greta already has dozens of honorary titles, including “Woman of the Year” in Sweden (2019), “100 Most Influential Women” according to Time and Forbes, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Mons. She has been repeatedly proclaimed the “Voice of the Young Generation”, “Ambassador of Conscience”, etc. In addition, many newly discovered fauna are named in her honor.

In April, Greta held a solo picket in front of the Swedish Embassy in Brussels.

The action was timed to coincide with the visit of EU ministers to the city and, according to Thunberg, was aimed at drawing their attention to the problem of deforestation.

“We are losing the last remaining natural forests, which are invaluable for carbon sinks, biodiversity and human rights,” Thunberg said. She added that the Swedish model of forestry is disastrous both for the climate, the environment and for the country's indigenous peoples.

And in June, Greta Thunberg, as part of an international delegation, visited Kiev and met with Vladimir Zelensky . There she accused Russia of “ecocide,” blaming the Russian military for the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric station. According to Thunberg, this is “another atrocity for which the world is struggling to find words.”

Shortly after Kiev, Thunberg went to Strasbourg, where at a meeting of the European Parliament she made a spectacular gesture to opponents of the bill on the restoration of natural resources. Numerous members of the press happily photographed her extended middle fingers.

The document was adopted by a small margin of parliamentary votes, and offended politicians demanded a public apology from Thunberg for insulting people who did not agree with the bill. At one time, Thunberg had to apologize for her call to “put up against the wall” world leaders, but this time she did not ask for forgiveness.

All these facts paint a portrait of an influential personality who has risen into the ranks of people close to the Western liberal establishment. Against this background, it is difficult to maintain the image of a “persecuted activist,” but here petty officials come to Thunberg’s aid, regularly imposing minor fines on her.

Greta Thunberg detained by police during a protest in London
Thus, in early October, it became known that Thunberg again received a fine - for organizing an unauthorized picket in the oil port of the Swedish city of Malmo together with other members of the Reclaim the Future organization. Then she and her henchmen blocked the access road to the port, blocking traffic there.

This is a relapse: she had already carried out exactly the same action there before - in June. A month later, she was sentenced for this to a fine of 2.5 thousand crowns (more than 22 thousand rubles). Immediately after the verdict was announced in the Malmö district court, she again went to the oil port and began to carry out a repeat action, and, like the last time, she categorically refused to comply with the police demand to leave the roadway.

Once again in court, Greta stated that she had not heard the demands of the law enforcement officers. However, she denies that she did anything wrong.

“My actions must be freed from punishment because the planet needs them. The ones we blocked are the ones who caused the climate crisis. My actions were justified ,” the activist said.

Such blatant disrespect for laws, rules and law enforcement agencies could have resulted in a real prison sentence for her, but, of course, no one dared to sentence a celebrity favored by the powers that be to it. As a result, prosecutor Jorgen Larsson demanded only payment of a fine. Thunberg's pocket was lightened by another 5,500 crowns (almost 49 thousand rubles).

Next, Greta began to fight against windmills, or rather, wind power plants. What caused anger already in Norway. The local Progressive Party (FRP) demanded that the environmental activist be deported from this country and banned from visiting it again.

The reason was a protest rally organized by Greta in Oslo against wind power plants, which, according to Thunberg, are destroying the natural habitat of the Sami, the indigenous inhabitants of the north-eastern regions of Norway.

“We don’t need these professional protesters from abroad to be allowed to operate in Norway, especially if they have already committed illegal acts,” FRP spokesman Erlend Viborg said.

Thunberg's staff are protesting against this decision. “Deporting civil disobedience participants would be cruel and illegal,” Thunberg’s lawyers Olaf Halvorsen Rönning and Maria Hessen Jacobsen said in a statement .

Greta Thunberg is a popular public figure who is used by world-class business structures for their own purposes. It is no secret that at one time Greta was supervised by the Swedish PR man and businessman Ingmar Rentzhog (using her name, he raised a million dollars for his environmental startup We Don't Have Time) and the owner of the Stockholm PR firm Iles PR, Helena Iles (an old friend of the girl's mother).

Thunberg has powerful patrons behind her - support for her actions was shown by representatives of George Soros's Open Society Foundation (recognized as an undesirable organization in Russia), the Global Marshall Plan organization founded by influential American politician Al Gore , the Bill and Melinda Gates ONE Foundation, and even the famous Rimsky club _ In photos and videos , many of the most influential politicians in the Western world can be seen next to Greta.

In the Western world, the sect of “climate fighters” represented by Thunberg is as influential as other equally radical sects: BLM, LGBT+, feminists. The result of her vigorous activity was peculiar.

After a wave of “school strikes for climate” organized by Greta in 2018, Swedish railway companies recorded an 8% increase in demand for their tickets - after all, Greta denies air transport as ungreen. In the May 2019 elections to the European Parliament, the “green” parties gained 21% - their best result in the entire history of the European Parliament (except, by the way, in Sweden itself, where the “ecologists” lost two mandates).

Having taken such power, the “greens” began to implement their “agenda” so intensively that already in 2021 (that is, even before the loss of direct gas supplies from Russia) they brought the European Union to the brink of an energy crisis . In addition, the EP decided to introduce an environmental tax on air tickets, which will reduce their affordability for poor Europeans.

At one time, OPEC stated that they considered Greta Thunberg as a serious threat to the global oil industry. And according to the calculations of the French futurist and political activist Alexandre Laurent , for his country, the implementation of Thunberg’s demands will mean a fourfold reduction in energy consumption, which will put France on par with Nigeria and Egypt. According to Lauren, if France, as Greta demands, abandons nuclear, coal and gas power plants in favor of solar and wind ones, then the country will suffer the sad fate of neighboring Germany.

At one time, the Germans spent incredible amounts of money on a program to phase out nuclear energy, and as a result they produce several times more greenhouse gases than the French. After all, wind turbines and solar panels cannot provide regular and constant generation - and traditional coal power plants have to be turned on. And German voters are reacting to this - in the recent elections to the Bavarian Landtag, the Greens there worsened their results.

By diligently contributing to the destruction of the energy sector of the European Union, Greta, consciously or unconsciously, works for the interests of a third state, which has a vested interest in weakening its competitors from the EU. A state that has already taken over the European gas market. Everyone knows its name - it is located on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Posted by: badanov 2023-10-20