
Lessons of Sodom
[IsraelNationalNews] It sounds strange to our modern ears that our father Avraham, in trying to understand G-d’s justice in destroying the city of Sodom, failed to ask the most important question: "surely there are innocent civilians in Sodom, women and children? How can You kill the innocent along with the guilty?" Instead, Avraham focused on the existence and number of righteous people in Sodom and stopped his inquiries when even ten righteous men could not be found.

The absence of righteous people defines a city and its moral worth far more than do disingenuous assertions about the presence of "innocent civilians," whose innocence is assumed but far from proven.

But are there ten righteous people in Gaza — ten individuals whose moral code and ethical commitments are so refined that somehow that wretched place should be spared the natural consequences due to the perpetrators (and supporters) of the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust? I have seen no evidence of that.
Posted by: Grom the Reflective 2023-11-06