
Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia voters ok with abortion
[NYT] Ohio voters approved a ballot measure enshrining a right to abortion in the state’s Constitution on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, continuing a series of wins for abortion-rights groups who have appealed directly to the public as they try to recover from the United States Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.
A mentality that sort of all goes hand-in-hand with the recent Hamas infant cooking episode. Perhaps we shouldn't discuss that. They were only babies you know.
Issue 1, as the ballot measure is known, had become the country’s most-watched race in the off-year elections. Both parties are looking to gauge whether voter anger over the loss of the federal right to abortion might help Democrats in next year’s presidential and congressional races. National groups on both sides of the debate poured money into Ohio in recent weeks.

The victory in a conservative state is likely to help lift the hopes of abortion-rights groups pushing similar measures next year in red and purple states, including Arizona, South Dakota, Missouri and Florida.

"It’s not up to the government to decide what we do with our bodies," said Alissa Carver, 26, who lives outside Cincinnati and describes herself as an independent voter. "It’s for us to decide, it’s our experience."

Wendy Pace, a 52-year-old independent, said she didn’t normally vote in off-year elections, but came out because she wanted to vote "yes" on Issue 1. "I have a teenage daughter and I don’t like having my rights taken away from me," she said. "I fear that this is just the beginning of rights being taken away, and I do fear for my daughter and what her rights would be going forward."

Gateway - BREAKING: Ohio Voters Approve Issue 1, Which Legalizes Killing Babies in Abortion Up Until Birth

CNN - Ohio legalize recreational use of marijuana ballot measure

AP - Democrats prevail in Kentucky and Virginia. Ohio protects abortion rights
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-11-08