
Myanmar Getting Spicier - Sideshow Lost in the Shadows of Ongoing Events
Some of the non-Rohingya Burmese rebels formed the cleverly named Three Brotherhood Alliance back in 2019 or 2021 against the military junta, and have been asserting themselves while we weren’t looking.
[NBC] An ethnic resistance group in northern Myanmar says an entire army battalion surrendered to it. The surrender of 261 people — 127 soldiers and 134 of their family members — appears to be the biggest army surrender since armed conflict in Myanmar broke out in 2021.

An entire Myanmar army battalion based near the Chinese border surrendered to an alliance of ethnic armed groups that launched a surprise offensive last month against the military, a spokesperson for one of the armed groups said Wednesday. The surrender of 261 people — 127 soldiers and 134 of their family members — from the infantry battalion in northeastern Shan state appears to be the biggest by regular army forces since widespread armed conflict in Myanmar broke out in 2021 after the military seized power from the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February that year.

The alliance expects to soon capture Laukkaing, the area’s major city, the spokesperson said.
Posted by: Slenter Panda4300 2023-11-18