
The Odious Reasons Behind The World's Obsession With Gaza And The West Bank
[American Thinker] International aid to Gaza is the only process that ensures its survival. This rather strange situation has no equivalent in any other place in the world except for the scientists living in Antarctica. Gazans are the most welfare-dependent population in the known universe, producing nothing except a few vegetables. And yet nobody asks why. Let us be crystal clear that every last Gazan would go elsewhere in the world if this aid stopped. The answer lies in the fact that the world’s powers hate what Israel stands for and, believe it or not, that’s not its Jewishness: It is, instead, its contributions to the world and its citizens’ happiness.
producing nothing except a few vegetables. And terror
Don't forget the bitching, moaning, and hate.
When we look at Gaza objectively, it’s logical to ask how long this welfare state will continue. The answer: Until the UN, EU, and US decide this population has lost its usefulness. However, that won’t happen anytime soon. The scene has been set by US Secretary of State Blinken who insists that no Gazan be displaced. He wants the Israelis to propose a plan for returning Gaza to the rule of the corrupt Palestinian Authority ensconced in Ramallah. The American administration’s goal is a two-state solution consisting of Israel within the ’67 borders and an Arab state of Gaza and Judea/Samaria (aka the West Bank). The Muslims of Gaza are a tool to force this rearrangement.

To savvy people, the title "West Bank" gives away the game. Government employees and the mass media are under the illusion that Judea and Samaria are supposed to be the western provinces of Jordan. This is because Jordan, after nineteen years of rule (’48-’67), joined Syria and Egypt in the Six-Day War intended to eradicate the Jewish state and lost the "West Bank" to Israel. In fact, Judea and Samaria are Israel’s ancient heartland.

Given the area’s past and recent history, it would seem stupidly suicidal for Israel to ever return their heartland or Gaza to Arab rule. Nevertheless, most of the world has this as its plan for the region.

If Israel can be truncated, it can be brought to heel, for it will be unable to protect itself. Its continued existence will then be controlled by others rather than its own government. The advantage to this arrangement is that Israel would barely be able to breathe and would be unable to project any influence in the world or its own neighborhood. It would become the equivalent of Gaza with a few more college degrees.

From this analysis, we can deduce that the name of the game is to destroy Israel’s independent action. An independent Israel is undesirable. It sticks out like a sore thumb on the world stage. Just a few examples:


The absurdity of Gaza as the single largest welfare-dependent group of people makes it an artificial creation designed to minimize Israel either through attrition, dilution, absorption, or death. It is a Western and Muslim creation that uses one group of people against another to retain control of natural resources, industrial production, and the quality of life permitted to the masses. On the road to total social control, Israel turns out to be a stumbling block that needs to be shoved into line or disappear. This is the quiet, almost silent, narrative of the Elites!

Emphasis added.
Posted by: Besoeker 2023-11-30