
US reveals it's wiped out four ISIS terrorists and detained THIRTY-THREE during 40 missions in Iraq and Syria last month: Captured commandos include terror cell plotting to spring MORE jihadists from Middle East jails
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • American troops in Iraq and Syria managed to capture over thirty suspected ISIS operatives last month

  • Central Command said two terror cells had been dismantled by troops, one of which was responsible for attacking prisons in Syria to release extremists

  • The US launched counterstrikes on Iranian proxies in Syria last month , following a wave of missile and drone attacks on US troops in the region

The United States Central Command has revealed it killed kill four ISIS terrorists and detained 33 extremists in Iraq and Syria in November.

Central Command said that last month they managed to kill three ISIS operatives, and detain 14 others while in Iraq.

In neighboring Syria, US forces managed to take out one other extremist and detained 19 others. In a statement, they said these targeted efforts had been to disrupt operations by two terror cells in the region. One cell was reportedly responsible for planning attacks on prisons in Syria in an attempt to free radical prisoners held there.

General Michael Erik Kurilla said: 'Even in the midst of complex challenges within the region, CENTCOM remains steadfast to the region and the enduring defeat of ISIS.'

In October, CENTCOM said they had conducted 387 operations against the Islamic State Group in Iraq and Syria. That figure was already much higher than what American forces did in all of 2022 to wipe out the extremist group.

In 2022, US troops and partner forces killed at least 686 suspected ISIS fighters, 220 of those in Iraq and a further 466 in Syria.

While fewer ISIS fighters have been killed this year in Iraq and Syria, U.S. troops and partner forces have captured more suspected ISIS operatives than in 2022. With these latest figures from CENTCOM, the total number of operatives detained is now 516 for the year, compared to 374 last year.

The US launched counterstrikes on Iranian proxies in Syria last month, following a wave of missile and drone attacks on US troops in the region.

Since the Gaza war erupted with a deadly Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, US forces deployed in Iraq and Syria have been attacked at least 66 times.

The US Air Force used F-15E fighter jets and targeted the Iranian Revolutionary Guard training facility in North Abu Kamal, and a militia safe house in Mayadin. The Iran-backed militant groups claimed responsibility for the attacks and said they were in response to US support for Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza.

Posted by: Skidmark 2023-12-08