
UK Sends a ‘Patrol Vessel’ (not even a frigate) to Guyana
Does the British navy actually have an extra frigate it could spare for the duty?
[Barrons] Britain said Sunday it will divert a Royal Navy warship to waters off Guyana, after a long-simmering territorial dispute between the South American ally and Venezuela recently flared again.

The British patrol vessel, HMS Trent, will arrive in the region later this month to conduct "engagements", the UK's Ministry of Defence (MoD) said.

It follows escalating tensions after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro renewed his country's century-old claim to Guyana's oil-rich Essequibo region.

However, the South American neighbours agreed earlier this month not to resort to force to settle the dispute.

In a brief statement, Britain's MoD said: "HMS Trent will visit regional ally and Commonwealth partner Guyana later this month as part of a series of engagements in the region during her Atlantic patrol task deployment."

The vessel is in Barbados over Christmas and will then head to waters off the mainland of Guyana, according to reports.

The ship is not expected to dock in Georgetown, its capital, because the port is too shallow, the BBC said.

The first to report on the deployment, the broadcaster said it was intended as "a show of diplomatic and military support for the former British colony".

A UK foreign minister, David Rutley, visited Guyana earlier this month and reiterated sovereign borders "must be respected" and that London would work internationally "to ensure the territorial integrity of Guyana is upheld".

Caracas has long claimed Essequibo, which makes up about two-thirds of Guyana's territory, and has ratcheted up its rhetoric over it in recent months.

It followed Guyana, which has governed the area for more than 100 years, issuing licenses for oil companies to operate there.
Posted by: Griter Slash1619 2023-12-26