
It's time for Russia to repay its biggest debt
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Victoria Nikiforova

[RIA] Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian army completed the main task of 2023, thwarting the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Behind these dry words is the capture of Bakhmut and Marinka, the advance of our troops along the entire front line, panic in Kyiv, London and Washington, mass desertion of Ukrainians - from ordinary members of the Wesseushki to titled propagandists. This is hard and deadly work that our heroes have been doing for almost two years. But who are they, what do we know about them?

Here a Russian tank enters into an unequal battle and, before our amazed eyes, destroys six armored vehicles and two enemy tanks. “This is our “Alyosha”!” - Drone operator Corporal Ilya Gavrilov shouts off-screen. The crew of the legendary tank (in a few days they will all receive the stars of Heroes of Russia ) is commanded by Lieutenant Alexander Levakov - a Cossack from the village of Lipovtsy in Primorye, a historian by training, a graduate of the Far Eastern Federal University.

Our paratroopers have been holding the giant Gostomel airport near Kiev for two days, fighting against enemy forces that are an order of magnitude superior to them. Footage of the landing of our military then went around the whole world. The Kiev elite announced their destruction several times. “Two hundred Spartans” — the people called them then.

One of the heroic paratroopers was Guard Sergeant Georgy Avramenko. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. He was buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg , although he lived there without registration: he just came one day, fell in love with the city on the Neva and could not part with it. Georgy Avramenko was a novice on the island of Valaam and did not immediately receive a blessing for military service. “I will not bless you in death,” the priest repeated to him.

Here is the first hero of Russia to receive this title on the fields of the Northern Military District. An ordinary modern guy from Dagestan, he was fond of skiing and wrote poetry. In the battle, he was seriously wounded and blew himself up with a grenade along with the Wehrmacht. Then President Putin will say about his feat: “I am a Russian person. As they say, I have Ivans and Marys in my family. But when I see examples of such heroism as the feat of the young guy Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov, a native of Dagestan, Lak by nationality, I want to say : “I am a Lak, I am a Dagestani, I am a Chechen, an Ingush, a Russian, a Tatar, a Jew, a Mordvin, an Ossetian...”

These people are the salt of our earth. This is its aristocracy, its intelligentsia, its elite in the true sense of these words. The stories I told above alone would be enough for several wonderful films, novels, and TV series. However, in our cultural community there is a deafening silence on this topic. No films or plays about their exploits. Everyone seems to be waiting for something.

Meanwhile, people's love for heroes is enormous. Recently there was information on social networks that a veteran of the Northern Military District, who received a disability at the front, was being rude to his neighbors. How indignant people were, how many letters they wrote to the veteran with words of support. This is all done sincerely, from the heart.

The last words of fallen heroes are embroidered on chevrons. Poems, songs, and videos are dedicated to them. Folk art on SVO themes, by the way, is simply in full swing. Recently, at a meeting between Putin and graduates of military schools, a pilot read poetry. There is a line: “Meet daddy, bitches!” - these are the last words of the pilot of the Wagner PMC, Hero of Russia Alexander Antonov , who sent his burning plane into a column of armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Yes, it's not as romantic as "Let's live!" in the film “Only Old Men Are Coming to Battle,” however, there is a suspicion that the real prototype of “Darkie,” Evgeny Bykovsky, also shouted something obscene before his death, may Roskomnadzor forgive us.

The scenes from the fields of the Northern Military District are amazing. Two hundred and seventy-two people during this time were awarded the title of Hero of Russia there. There is no doubt that if this had happened to the American military, Hollywood would have already made dozens of inspiring films on the topic, and they would have done it not carelessly, but from the heart. This is not the case with us yet. Although why shouldn’t the same Zhora Kryzhovnikov, after his wonderful “A Boy’s Word,” take up the story of the North Military District?

Unfortunately, the Soviet skills of creating wonderful films about intelligence officers, paratroopers, and sailors have become a thing of the past. We have forgotten how to glorify our heroes. Recently, the legendary Major General of the Airborne Forces , Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Soluyanov died in Moscow . If he had been born a hundred years ago, Simonov and Tvardovsky would have written poems about his exploits, and Bondarev and Bykov would have written novels about his exploits.

Today, the name of the hero of the Afghan war means almost nothing to anyone.

The only thing that the media remembered was that Nikita Mikhalkov , when the Lyube group invited him to make a video for the song “Batyanya-Bat Kombat,” talked with the paratroopers who served in Afghanistan, and they said that they should call him for the role of his father-commander namely Soluyanov. The sad irony is that Mikhalkov never filmed this video. And the modest Soluyanov said that this was correct; others, they say, served even better.

Since then, how many videos have we released with all sorts of vulgarity, with I don’t understand who in the leading roles. How offensive it is.

By the way, if we remember the Afghan war, then the capture of Amin's palace - the legendary "Storm-333" - is considered in the West one of the most brilliant Russian military operations. It is studied in the world's leading military academies. Do you remember at least one of our films glorifying this feat? And I don't remember. Meanwhile, the Americans manage to make uplifting patriotic films even based on the material of their shameful defeats - take, for example, "Black Hawk Down."

I want to talk endlessly about the heroes of the Northern Military District, meanwhile, all the information fields are clogged by some muddy Blinkens and Bidens. It would be nice if they were real politicians, but they are just hired clowns on the payroll. It is not they who are creating world history today. It is made in Novorossiya by Alexander Levakov and Ilya Gavrilov, Evgeny Kudinov and Andrey Mityashin. Let's not forget their names and faces.

Today, our military personnel flawlessly fulfill their duty to the Motherland. But how do we fulfill our duty to them?

Posted by: badanov 2023-12-28