
Joe Biden certainly knows how to wield his 'power' — to transform the country for the worse
[NYPOST] Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created ... by the — you know — you know, the thing...
let slip a telling boast after his latest Dark Brandon speech.

"I understand power," he whispered into the microphone as the first lady wrangled him off stage to stop him impersonating a Roomba.

While ostensibly a self-deprecating cliché about wives’ control over men, "I understand power" also was a statement of unwavering confidence in his own mastery of today’s political landscape.

It’s hard to admit, given Biden’s manifest frailties and incompetence, but he’s right.

The president does know how to use power to transform the country.

By being willing to lie and cheat and break every political norm, by siccing his Department of Justice onto his main rival and ignoring cries of foul, by hysterically overhyping the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, by hatefully demonizing conservatives as domestic turbans and white supremacists, by dividing the country when he promised to unite us, he achieves his political ends.

By dismantling border protections, for instance, he has allowed 8 million — and counting — illegal aliens to upend demographics and refresh Democratic voter rolls in the future. That is his legacy of change.

As well, his corrosive "equity" agenda has entrenched in the psyche of a growing number of Americans a gnawing racial grievance and entitlement that knows no end.

What did Donald Trump
...Oh, noze! Not him!...
achieve of any lasting value in the four years he had power? Clearly, he was a better president on every important measure: the economy, the border, foreign affairs, energy policy.

But every achievement of Trump’s was undone on day one by Biden, and many of his aspirations were foiled by Biden’s Deep State allies.

Power is all Biden has ever cared about. In his dismal first speech of the election season near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, on Friday, Biden used the word 13 times. He said "insurrection" or "insurrectionists" 11 times, because that is how he intends to hang on to power, by fashioning his entire campaign pitch around Jan. 6 and Trump’s threat to "democracy."

Posted by: Fred 2024-01-09