
Singapore nabs 21 Bad Guys...
Singapore has arrested 21 suspected Islamic militants, most of them members of a group that authorities say planned to attack the U.S. Embassy and has links to al-Qaida. All the suspects were arrested in August and are Singaporean citizens. The ministry said 19 of the men belonged to Jemaah Islamiyah, a group that Singapore authorities say is connected to Osama bin Laden's terror network and is active throughout Southeast Asia. ``These latest arrests have seriously disrupted the Jemaah Islamiyah network in Singapore,'' the ministry of home affairs said. ``There is no known imminent security threat from other Jemaah Islamiyah elements in Singapore.''
"When there is, we'll round them up, too..."
The two other suspects arrested are allegedly linked to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a Muslim separatist group in the Mindanao region of the southern Philippines, the ministry said.
MILF appears to be the Soddies' pet group...
A ``few'' had received military training at al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan and at a Moro Islamic Liberation Front camp in the Philippines.
Ooooh. Bet they didn't want that to come out...
All the arrests have been made under Singapore's Internal Security Act, which allows for indefinite detention without trial.
Good idea. Lock them up until the war on terror is over, or Doomsday, whichever comes first.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-16