
The plan to put Barack Obama back in the White House
[WND] Talk is heating up again about "Big Mike" Obama being the Democrats' choice to replace Joey the Scapegoat when they finally pull the plug on his sham presidency. Arguments against that possibility always seem to focus on Michelle's glaring lack of qualifications, but they miss the point that that IS the point — everyone will know that it's all a charade to put Barack back in the White House (in person this time and not via his drooling avatar, Joe.) It also won't hurt "her" chances among the Groomer generation of Dem voters that the Joan Rivers "curse" still casts transgender shade on the former first lady. BUT her true role in 2024 would be as Barack's shoehorn past the Constitution — and the more obvious that strategy is, the better the Dem turnout will be (the actual turnout, not the true blue cemetery vote that's always 100%).

If they were to be honest in their political ads (ha!), they'd come right out and say it: "A vote for Michelle is a vote for Barack, the only Democrat with a realistic chance of beating Donald Trump."

I've always recognized that Joe Biden was Obama's puppet, moved into front-runner status as the best of bad options after Trump creamed the entire field of Dem primary candidates in February of 2020, including the designated winner, Pocahontas Warren. I predicted Biden would get the nomination just a few hours after the Democratic Primary debacle that blatantly cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination — for the second time! — the first time in 2016 triggering Bernie-Bot Seth Rich to give the establishment Dem secrets to Wikileaks, which led to his assassination, presumably by the Clintons.
Posted by: Besoeker 2024-01-14