
Now For The Rest of The Story: Davos: Escort Services
[ZERO] The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum begins today in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. The invitation-only meeting brings nearly 2,800 leaders from 120 countries together to discuss the world's most pressing topics, such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and virus pandemics.
And "why does it burn when I pee?"
After world leaders, politicians, business leaders, academics, NGOs, and religious leaders debate global problems and attempt to find 'solutions' to issues plaguing the world, there is an after-hours scene that is very dark, as we've explained previously:

  • 'Dark Side Of Davos' Revealed As Global Elite Bookings For Sex Workers Soar

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    What's on the menu this year? Well, The New York Post described: "Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners."

    From the Russian perspective:

    Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

    'Have a hearty meal, take the escort girls for a walk.' Why the Davos Forum failed

    by Gevorg Mirzayan

    [REGNUM] Davos, Switzerland, hosts one of the most significant globalist gatherings, the Davos Forum, from January 15 to 19.

    Once upon a time, many (and sometimes almost all) world economic and political leaders gathered there. Significant decisions were made regarding world trade, global security, international relations, values, rules of the game and, of course, the course of globalization.

    In general, they dealt with the key problems that existed in the world at that time.

    It would seem that this forum was no exception. The main topic of the forum was Russia and Ukraine. The only problem is that no decisions will be made there. They couldn't exist.

    Thus, on January 14 (that is, on the zero day of the event), a large summit on Ukraine took place, which brought together national security advisers from 83 states. They discussed the “peace formula” of Vladimir Zelensky, as well as other aspects of the Ukrainian crisis.

    As the Financial Times noted, not without irony, the most important achievement of this event was the collective photograph of the participants. After all, at the previous summit of national security advisers (which took place in Malta) there were only 65 countries.

    Yes, Kyiv seriously presents this fact as a victory - especially since, in addition to Europeans and Americans, representatives of 18 Asian and 12 African states were present at the summit.

    “Countries from the Global South are becoming increasingly involved in our work. This demonstrates their understanding that this European conflict is in fact a challenge for all humanity,” the Associated Press quotes the head of Zelensky’s office, Andriy Yermak, as saying.

    However, it would be possible to talk about some kind of understanding only if these states of the Global South supported or at least began discussing Zelensky’s “peace plan.” And they were only present there.

    Some because they want to score image points by appearing on the platform for discussing the Ukrainian crisis, which is pivotal for the current world. Some because they don’t want to anger the Americans. And some because for him it is a ticket to big politics.

    Therefore, we could not expect any constructive discussion from them.

    But the irony is that there was no constructiveness from Western representatives either.

    Firstly, because the so-called “Zelensky peace plan” is, in fact, a list of conditions for Russia’s surrender. And if it could still be perceived as relevant at the beginning of 2023, then by the beginning of 2024 - after the failed Ukrainian counter-offensive, after a reduction in Western funding, etc. — Zelensky’s proposal looks fantastic.

    As are various Western “peace with Russia” projects based on the plan. It is no coincidence that one of the “hosts” of the Davos site, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazzo Cassis, noted that there is nothing to discuss here without Russia’s participation.

    “Therefore, until Washington and Brussels come up with a “Plan B” as a replacement for the failed blitzkrieg against Russia, participation in such events will only be of benefit to delegates - they will be able to breathe the Alpine air, have a hearty meal, walk with escort girls and take a couple of selfies.” “, says Ivan Lizan, head of the analytical bureau of the SONAR-2050 project, to IA Regnum.

    Only after the West gives birth in agony to “Plan B” for Ukraine, unless, of course, it is forced into negotiations with Russia, will there be any sense in such meetings, Lizan added.

    So the Western delegations, like their Asian-African colleagues, only indicated their presence. Simply because they could not not be present.

    “Meetings in Ukraine have long turned into a kind of spell. The topic must be supported in the information space. Otherwise, the same European inhabitants will begin to doubt that such support should be continued,” Vadim Trukhachev, associate professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities, told IA Regnum.

    Actually, the Western media wrote about this. “Negotiations on Ukraine's peace plan ended without a breakthrough,” explains Bloomberg. “Talks about peace in Ukraine are more conversations than about peace,” the FT continues to sneer.

    Yes, the Russian-Ukrainian theme will be continued at the Davos Forum itself. The participants plan to discuss the American idea of ​​​​transferring gold and foreign exchange reserves - Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves (more than 90% of these frozen assets are stored in Europe) - to restore the Kyiv regime.

    Also on the agenda are other options for European financing of Ukraine, because it is becoming more and more difficult for Joe Biden to allocate money from American taxpayers for domestic political reasons related to the dissatisfaction of these taxpayers and the upcoming elections in November 2024.

    “The United States has been unable to resolve the issue of allocating money to Ukraine for five months ; the European Union is dragging its feet on funding,” recalls Ivan Lizan. But Kyiv really needs money - the colossal hole in the budget needs to be plugged with something.

    True, much progress on the issue of financing Ukraine is not expected at Davos either. The parties may reach some kind of compromise on the use of interest from the placement of Russian gold and foreign currency reserves, but the funds themselves are unlikely to be sent to Kyiv.

    Firstly, because they are afraid of the Russian response. “ European companies have property in Russia that is comparable in value to our gold and currency reserves in the West. And they don’t want to lose it,” says Vadim Trukhachev.

    Secondly, the withdrawal of Russian money will collapse the entire European financial system. “ A precedent will be created for taking away money, which will provoke an outflow of the same Chinese capital from Europe. And for Switzerland this would be a complete erosion of its reputation,” Trukhachev believes.

    And not only European. Confiscation of gold and foreign currency reserves guarantees the death of the very concept of creating gold and foreign exchange reserves in their currency part and using reserve currencies. “After all, what’s the point of saving money if it can be stolen? So the confiscation of gold and foreign currency reserves will become no less dangerous a precedent for the West than the very beginning of the SVO by Russia,” says Ivan Lizan. And the Western economy, as you know, is very dependent on Asian money.

    Empty talk on the Ukrainian issue, in fact, is a general reflection of the crisis of the Davos Forum - as well as other previously iconic globalization institutions (like the G7). “It is impossible to say anything new to its organizers and main participants. Russia, Ukraine, China, Israel and Palestine - everything was discussed a long time ago. If you wanted some “spice”, you had to call the new Argentine President Javier Miley,” says Vadim Trukhachev.

    There is nothing to say not only because there are no new ideas, but also because there is no international legitimacy for the implementation of such ideas.

    “This is a long-standing process of exhaustion of the global development agenda. The main and very important problem recently is that multilateral formats have ceased to be a source of consensus,” Dmitry Ofitserov-Belsky, senior researcher at IMEMO RAS, emphasizes in a commentary to IA Regnum.

    The fact that the formats still exist, but the result is not even in sight, means that the level of contradictions has grown to very high proportions, the expert points out. The G8 is long gone, and BRICS is actively expanding. So we can say that the world is simply changing its paradigm, and the West has no place in the new paradigm yet. According to Ofitserov-Belsky, there is no point in holding the Davos Forum next year.

    However, most likely they will, IA Regnum’s interlocutors believe. For the same reason that we held a meeting on Ukraine on January 14 - because otherwise Western citizens will begin to doubt that the Western-centric world continues.

    Posted by: Besoeker 2024-01-17
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