
Marlow on ‘Kudlow': Globalist Davos Crowd Is in a Panic Over Trump and Other Populist Victories Worldwide
[Breitbart] Donald Trump’s blowout victory in Iowa and populist political victories worldwide have the globalist Davos crowd in a panic, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling author Alex Marlow told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow in a Tuesday interview.

Kudlow kicked off the discussion by pointing to the Breitbart headlines of the world’s panicked reaction to Trump’s historic victory at Monday’s Iowa caucuses.

"The globalists are scared to death. The Davos crowd is scared to death. China is scared to death, and Europe is positively beside itself that Donald Trump just might be back," Kudlow said.

"We start every day at Breitbart by reading The Global Times in China, and they are saying prepare for Trump. Biden might not be a strong opponent," Marlow said. "The main obstacle for Trump to overcome between now and Election Day is the courts — it’s not even Joe Biden."

"Then you head over and you read what’s going on in Europe," the Breitbart EIC continued. "The Belgian Prime Minister who is now in the presidency of the Council of Europe, he’s saying that Europe is going to be on its own when Trump comes back, which is a huge misinterpretation of America First, but it just shows they’re panicking. The U.S. underwrites European security; so, they’re deeply concerned right now, the globalists over there. They’re just in a total panic repeating MSNBC and CNN talking points. We [at Breitbart News] can’t get enough of it."

Kudlow reminded viewers that global establishment leaders feared President Ronald Reagan too.

Posted by: Besoeker 2024-01-17