
The story of the French mercenaries killed in Khar'kov continues to develop. The French Ambassador was summoned
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from a rbc.ru news article.
Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin is in italics.

[ColonelCassad] The French Ambassador in Moscow has been summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the destruction of foreign fighters by the Armed Forces of our country in Khar'kov.

More than 60 mercenaries fighting on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were eliminated.

As it turned out, these were French citizens.

But in France, mercenary activity is prohibited by law.

Taking this into account, the topic deserves to be addressed by the State Duma deputies to the National Assembly of the French Republic.

It is important for us to know whether they are aware that someone, violating the law, is sending militants to fight in Ukraine.

There are different stages in the history of relations between our countries. There was a time when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought together against fascism.

But today, as it turns out, French mercenaries are dying for the Nazi regime in Ukraine.

Do French citizens and the deputies representing their interests know about this?

At the next plenary meeting of the State Duma, we will definitely consider an appeal to the French Parliament with the above issues.

(c) State Duma Speaker Volodin

The strike on Khar'kov and the destruction of a large number of French mercenaries (which is indirectly recognized by the French media) became part of a broader campaign of Russian-French confrontation, where, on the one hand, Russia is expanding its military-political presence in the French colonies, helping the authorities of Burkina -Faso stopped the attempt at a military coup initiated by France, and now defiantly sends a batch of coffins with the French to France, and France is trying to spoil Russia in Armenia by flirting with Pashinyan, supplying weapons to the Nazis in Ukraine (along with mercenaries, of whom not only all survive) and supports separatist and terrorist groups in countries where governments friendly to Russia have been established.

1. It is obvious that Macron will not recognize the presence of French regulars in Ukraine.

2. It is obvious that Macron will pretend that no mercenaries are sent to Ukraine with the knowledge of the French leadership.

3. Through Ukraine, losses will be underestimated in every possible way. Now there are more than 60+ killed according to the Russian Ministry of Defense and 17 killed according to the Ukrainian Nazis.

Obituaries of the victims are expected to surface in the coming month.

More from Russian military blogger Andrey Chervonets
Russia destroyed French subjects and, in connection with this, presented a note of protest to the Gallic roosters.

Most likely, the Russian question in the note sounded as follows:

“What were your unfinished D’Artagnans from the Foreign Legion actually doing in Khar'kov?”

Okay, let’s listen to how it looked officially:

“In connection with the destruction by the Russian Armed Forces of a temporary deployment point for foreign fighters in Khar'kov, among whom there were several dozen Frenchmen, the French Ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry,” Maria Zakharova told the TASS agency.

Since such statements are made, it means it’s not a mess. Indeed, many paddling pools were killed.

That is, first they killed a crowd of paddling pools, and then they also called the ambassador to the carpet? That’s normal ;)

And it’s correct - first to choke, then to protest about being in the wrong place.

Will the French start making a poker face? Amazing! That's what it's all about! Then they called in so that the French ambassador could spit away from his citizens.

Now any Gallic officer assigned by ours to the Northern Military District will know for sure that it makes no sense to count on his country, which he serves. The Russians will calmly spank you or milk you dry and throw away the remains in some trash heap.

As a result of the missile strike on Khar'kov, at least 22 French military intelligence officers who were “on leave” in Ukraine were killed.

In the premises of the kindergarten, the headquarters of the French soldiers of fortune was created, servicing data from satellites, electronic warfare and electronic warfare for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also, paddling officers (now deceased) were engaged in improving and strengthening counter-battery systems and radar.

More from RIA Novosti
France said it cannot prohibit its citizens from fighting in Ukraine

France cannot prohibit its citizens from fighting in Ukraine, the country's Defense Minister Sebastian Lecornu said in an interview with LCI TV channel .
Thus, he was asked about the status of the French who are taking part in the conflict in the former Soviet republic.

"There are French civilians who went to fight in Ukraine in Ukrainian military uniform. We cannot ban them, we are still a democracy. By definition, these people have no connection with the French armed forces, do not wear French military uniform and are not associated with the French military institutions,” replied the head of the department.

Mercenaries in France, according to current legislation, are a criminal offense. It threatens with five years in prison and a fine, the amount of which can reach 75 thousand euros.

In addition, Lecornu claims that reports of the presence of French mercenaries in Ukraine are part of the “Russian information war,” which allegedly intensified after President Emmanuel Macron announced the supply of an additional 40 Scalp missiles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the minister, these statements are supposedly intended to support the rhetoric about French complicity in the conflict in Ukraine.

Last Wednesday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the destruction by a high-precision strike of a building in Kharkov, where foreign mercenaries were located, including from France. More than 60 militants were killed. Today, the Republic's Ambassador to Moscow, Pierre Levy, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry.

The French foreign policy department, despite numerous evidence of the presence of its citizens in the ranks of the Ukrainian troops, tried to disown their compatriots. In Paris, information about the extermination of dozens of Frenchmen in Kharkov was called “gross manipulation.” They stated that “France has no mercenaries either in Ukraine or anywhere else.”

Last November, the Investigative Committee reported that more than 520 foreign mercenaries from 44 states became involved in criminal cases, including French citizens as defendants in absentia.

More from the V Kontakte page of Tatyana Vasilyeva
Veterans of the French Foreign Legion - France's elite troops - are fighting on both sides of the front in Ukraine - Times

▪At the beginning of the war, 710 Ukrainians and 450 Russians served in the Foreign Legion. Many of them went to war, although they were urged to remain loyal to the Legion. Which promised French citizenship and a payment of 30,000 euros upon completion of service.

▪But they left, and some even deserted for the sake of the war. The Times writes about legionnaire Frank, who was able to get into Ukraine without documents by performing a legionary march to a border guard.

▪He serves in the special forces of the Ukrainian International Legion. He fought near Soledar, Bakhmut, Severodonetsk and Zaporozhye.

▪Legionnaires are also fighting on the Russian side:
“They were my brothers, but now if I saw them face to face, I would kill them, or they would kill me. The life we ​​once led together in the Legion was very different from our new life. I respect them and their desire to kill me. This is fine. “I want to kill them too,” says Frank.

▪The Times writes that there remains a connection between the ex-legionnaires. Thus, in January 2023, Prigozhin reported that “colleagues from the French Foreign Legion” asked the “Wagnerites” to find E. Kulik, who fought in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Later, Prigozhin showed a video in which a French-speaking PMC fighter places the flag of the Foreign Legion on Kulik’s body.

Posted by: badanov 2024-01-20