
Ukraine kills its own
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Victoria Nikiforova

[RIA] Ukrainian air defense fired foreign missiles at the Russian Il-76 transport aircraft. The plane crashed, killing everyone on board. This is not just another bloody, senseless terrorist attack that will not delay the collapse of the Kyiv regime for a second.

This time the leadership of the former Ukrainian SSR has surpassed itself. The IL was flying on a humanitarian mission. There were 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board. These were Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers who were exchanged back to their homeland. The cynicism of the situation is difficult to imagine.

People who fought for Kyiv are returning home to their families. Yes, they are our opponents, but we are honest in observing the laws and customs of war: we treated them and fed them. They lived with us in human conditions. And so they were lucky to get on the exchange list. The relatives were notified - their wives and children were waiting for them at home.

But the plane was shot down by an air defense system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and the newspaper "Ukrainian Pravda" cheerfully reported on this victory. How is this in the style of the Kyiv Nazis: kill their citizens, their defenders - and boast about it.

Now the publication is rapidly deleting links, but the Internet remembers everything. The British Guardian noted the boastful publication of the Ukrainian media.

It is unlikely that the wives, mothers and children of the dead prisoners missed this article. Their emotions, of course, are difficult to imagine. At first they let their relatives go to war, then they trembled for their fate, and finally they were able to calm down: Russian captivity is much better than a senseless death somewhere on the outskirts of Krynki. And then luck struck: their captors should be returned to Ukraine.

But here they are killed in broad daylight in front of the whole world by their own authorities - even the Hitler regime did not stoop to this, by the way.

There is nothing fundamentally new in this terrorist attack. The Kiev regime has not hidden for a long time that the population under its jurisdiction is simply cannon fodder, which is cheaply exchanged for dollars for Zelensky and co. Throwing your soldiers to certain death near Artemovsk or Marinka - wasn’t this the same mass murder of your citizens?

Or take this surreal epic with Krynki, a supporter of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the left bank of the Dnieper. The Russian army grinds down Ukrainian fighters there day after day, but the command sends more and more unfortunates there. The footage of them crossing the Dnieper makes your blood run cold: in their little boats, they are clearly an easy target for our artillery. But they keep sending them there and sending them. For what?

In turn, the Wesseushniks, feeling that they are being betrayed by their own command, hide behind civilians, in fact taking them hostage - this is a classic practice of terrorists. The ruins of Mariupol are clear evidence that the Ukrainian military treats their compatriots as enemies.

Zelensky and Zaluzhny need this mass bloodshed like air: they monetize it. Then Zelensky’s relatives will buy another villa near the warm sea. His wife will go shopping in London. And the wives of the Ukrainian military who died senselessly today - what do they think about this bloody lottery?

They should especially thank the American and German patrons of Kyiv for this tragedy. Il-76 was shot down by foreign air defense. State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has already suggested that deputies turn to the German Bundestag and the US Congress. Did you promise to support the Ukrainians there? But you kill them. You have unleashed such a terrorist regime on Square that, unable to reach the Russians, it attacks its own. All this hell was financed by you, it seemed to you that this was a “successful investment”.

Well, look how the people you deceived die. It will be especially useful for American and European taxpayers to learn about this story. Some of them sincerely believe that they are helping a “free democratic” Ukraine. Well, this is what this assistance actually looks like - it looks much more like sponsoring terrorism.

I don’t think that the attack on Il-76 was some kind of “tragic mistake”. The Russian transport aircraft is a famous and valuable aircraft; knocking it down is a great success. Russian pilots are the highest professionals, and there is a real hunt for them. That is, from a military point of view it was a very expensive goal.

And prisoners - what are prisoners? The Kyiv regime hates such people. At the front, a VSE officer who plans to surrender can easily be shot by his own commander. So why should they feel sorry for those whom they consider traitors? Only Russia will feel sorry for them : the second plane with the prisoners managed to turn around in time after the attack on the Il-76 and returned safely to the airfield.

The crew members of the deceased Il-76 showed outstanding courage and skill, managing to take the plane away from the populated area. Their courage and sacrifice is another difficult step towards our victory. They are heroes.

But what can we say about the Ukrainian military - victims of the terrorist attack? Their death is terrible in its absolute senselessness. These are Russian people, confused by the Kyiv maniacs and killed by them. Their death is a clear metaphor for the fate of all of Ukraine.

Posted by: badanov 2024-01-25