
How many times are they gonna catch this guy?
Pakistani officials said they believed that they might have also captured Sheik Ahmed Salim Swedan, a Kenyan who is said to have purchased the truck used in the bombing of the United States Embassy in Tanzania in 1998. But American authorities have not confirmed the man's identity.
That was in July. They haven't confirmed his idenity yet?
The intelligence official said the man Pakistanis suspect is Mr. Swedan was arrested with thousands of dollars and several fake passports and visas in his possession. The raids here are believed to have broken up three to four Qaeda cells operating in Karachi, the official said, as well as three to four cells of Pakistani militants helping to hide them. "It reveals their new pattern, so we will be able to go after more who have used the same pattern," said a Pakistani intelligence official. "They will be forced to change the technique once again, which is a big disadvantage."
A second Pakistani intelligence official said the arrests confirmed their suspicion that Al Qaeda was operating here in cells of three to five people. The official said Pakistani militants from the groups of Harkat-ul-Mujahedeen, Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi had set up similar cells that worked in tandem with Qaeda cells.
Oh, that. We knew that. You heard read it here first...
The official warned that there might be additional cells in Karachi. "There might be more out there that we have to now work on," he said.
But... But... How can that be? Karachi's such a nice little burg. Nothing ever happens there, does it?...
Thanks to Steve for the headzup. I read right over this one first time through...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-16