
Il-76 carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down by a Patriot air defense system.
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Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin

[ColonelCassad] From Putin's statements

1. Putin does not know why Ukraine shot down a plane with its prisoners of war. The plane was shot down by a Patriot air defense system.

2. Exchanges of prisoners of war will continue. The ratio of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine is 10 to 1.

3. Russia will move the demilitarized zone to the west to ensure the security of Russian cities.

4. Russia will not follow the path of introducing juvenile justice. This is not our method.

5. The foam that exists in any society will gradually subside (a hint of the fifth column and “naked assholes”)

6. A group of fighters from the Specialized Shrift Brigade “Veterans” ahead of the regular troops broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of Avdeevka, captured 19 houses and held them

PS. Today there was an exchange of prisoners of war. They changed 195 to 195. Plus, 12 more civilians who expressed a desire to leave for Ukraine were given to Ukraine.

More from regnum.ru
Putin: Russia will not stop the exchange of prisoners with Ukraine because of the downed Il-76

Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with trusted officials on January 31, said that Moscow does not intend to stop the process of exchanging prisoners with Ukraine due to the fact that Kiev decided to shoot down an Il-76 with its own captured Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.

He noted that Kyiv regularly signals its readiness to exchange prisoners.

“We need to take our guys,” Putin explained the decision not to stop the exchanges.

He also pointed out that it is completely unclear why the Kyiv regime needed to destroy a plane with its own prisoners, and the West is now trying to completely hush up this topic.

On January 24, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down a Russian Il-76 from a Western-made anti-aircraft missile system with 65 Ukrainian prisoners, who were transported for transfer to the Ukrainian side, as well as a Russian crew of six people and three accompanying persons. No one survived the crash of the aircraft.

Flight recorder data confirms that the plane was shot down in mid-air. In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attack on the Il-76 a conscious and deliberate attack. The Russian Ministry of Defense noted that Kiev was well aware of the transportation of captured Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers for exchange, but still carried out this attack in order to blame Russia for this.

After the incident, many politicians and experts proposed stopping negotiations with Ukraine on the issue of exchanges. However, on January 31, it became known that through the mediation of the UAE, 195 military personnel were returned to Russia from Ukrainian captivity. They will be taken to Moscow for rehabilitation and treatment.

Even more from regnum.ru
Russian Federation insists on an international investigation into the Il-76 crash, Putin said

Moscow insists on an international investigation into the crash of the Russian Il-76 transport plane, Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin said on January 31.

“The Ukrainian authorities dropped the phrase that they would like to conduct an international investigation. We ask for this and insist that an international investigation be carried out,” Putin said at a meeting with trusted officials.

According to him, there are no volunteers from international organizations.

“I’m officially saying: we ask you to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the Patriot system,” he added.

As Regnum reported, on January 24, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down a Russian Il-76 with 65 Ukrainian prisoners from an anti-aircraft missile system, who were transported for transfer to the Ukrainian side, as well as a Russian crew of six people and three accompanying persons. No one survived the crash of the aircraft.

Flight recorder data confirms that the plane was shot down in mid-air. Black box analysis continues. In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attack on the Il-76 a conscious and deliberate attack.

The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under the article “Terrorism”. An anti-aircraft missile attack from the territory of Ukraine is a preliminary version of the destruction of a Russian aircraft, the department added.

Posted by: badanov 2024-02-01