
Statement on Fani Willis Breaking News

February 5, 2024


The filing on Friday in Fulton County Superior Court by DA Fani Willis has confirmed what we all suspected to be true. She admitted to an ongoing relationship with her handpicked lead prosecutor, Nathan Wade in the Election Interference RICO case. At least our friends at the AJC and national media can now stop adding a caveat of "if true" every time the subject comes up.

Any practicing attorney (such as myself) can tell you the moral and ethical boundaries to which we swear allegiance should never be crossed. We know full well that even the APPEARANCE of a conflict of interest is enough to derail justice. Not only was there an appearance of a conflict, we now know there WAS a conflict. This gives an appearance of financial motivation for both Willis and Wade. All the while our friends in the media cheered the process along for three years with fawning admiration about the "slow, careful, and methodical" nature of the investigation.

Additionally, Attorney Andee Hastings, representing Mr. Wade’s estranged wife, sat down with WXIA for an extended interview. In that interview Ms. Hastings claimed Mr. Wade stonewalled the court of their request for any and all documents. She also claimed his employment as Special Prosecutor was unknown until they saw him on television the night Ms. Willis announced the indictment. If true, this raises serious ethical questions.

Ms. Hastings also asserted that she felt threatened by Ms. Willis after requesting her deposition. She said, "I was astonished that she (Willis) would make that assertion against an individual (Hastings), a fellow member of the bar... if we proceeded with this deposition we would be prosecuted criminally for it. That’s how I took it." The conflict of interest regarding Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade is just the tip of the iceberg of troubling allegations we learned last week.

The United States House of Representatives has now subpoenaed Ms. Willis after a whistleblower came forward with audio recordings apparently proving Ms. Willis’ knowledge of misuse of federal funds. According to the Daily Caller News Foundation, Ms. Willis fired the whistleblower shortly after bringing the issue to her attention.

But that’s not all...

The Washington Free Beacon published a documented report that Willis’ office paid at least $10,000 of taxpayer funds to New York City Public Relations Firm "Critical Mention" to monitor the public profile and image of DA Willis. Documents in the WFB report show Ms. Willis' office made initial contact on February 1, 2021. Ten days before she announced the investigation.

But that’s not all...

We learned in court that the Fulton County DA’s office was in contact with the Biden White House during the course of their investigation after denying any coordination with federal officials.

Now we find ourselves with four separate investigations at the local, state, and federal levels into what is becoming clear to be widespread mismanagement by Willis’ office since her inauguration in 2021. Meanwhile, the streets of Atlanta remain unsafe. The county jail looks like something you’d see in a third world country. The backlog of cases in Fulton County remains long. It’s becoming clearer by the moment that Ms. Willis was not prepared for this position. Not ethically, not administratively, not morally.

One thing Ms. Willis said in her filing is actually truthful, this is a circus. A circus she built by her attempts to criminalize politics, interfere with the 2024 General Election, build her own national profile, and make her friends (her word) wealthy with taxpayer funds.

This entire case should be dismissed or at the very least be removed from the Fulton DA’s office.

Ms. Willis should resign and a more qualified individual should be elected to administer justice to the citizens of Fulton County.

To Victory,

Josh McKoon
Georgia Republican Party Chairman
Posted by: Besoeker 2024-02-05