
'I thought I was going to die.' Colombian mercenary escaped from Ukrainian Armed Forces positions
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[Regnum] Russian drones put Colombian mercenaries who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) to flight from the battlefield. The story of a 32-year-old militant nicknamed Checho is reported by the Associated Press.

Checho admitted that when a massive drone attack began, he had to save his partner: a fragment of a grenade thrown by one of the drones pierced his colleague’s jaw. The militant also said that the men decided to flee from the position to save their lives because there was absolutely nowhere to hide from the drones. The many years of experience of Colombian soldiers fighting drug cartels in their country did not help in the conditions of hostilities in Ukraine, notes the Associated Press.

“I thought I was going to die,” Checho complained.

American mercenary Matthew Vandyke complained about massive drone attacks and constant artillery shelling from the Russian side in the special operation zone on December 30.

On December 17, 2023, the governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, spoke about the peculiarities of the actions of foreign fighters within the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, the mercenaries, as usual, push the mobilized Ukrainian military forward, and when they try to surrender, they are simply shot.

Foreign mercenaries fighting on the side of the Ukrainian army were promised $300 for each killed Russian soldier, captured Georgian militant Georgiy Goglidze admitted in November 2023.

Earlier, the militant said that two of his colleagues in the Ukrainian Armed Forces from France shot and killed a civilian who refused to let them into his house. He clarified that among the mercenaries fighting on the side of Kyiv there are citizens of Poland, the USA, Great Britain, Brazil and Spain.

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph noted on September 15 that foreign mercenaries fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to kill each other due to conflicts.

Thus, in Zaporozhye in August, the British mercenary Daniel Burke went missing. Citing police reports, it is believed that he was killed by his fellow soldiers over a money dispute. Another Briton, Jordan Chadwick, whose body was found in a pond with his hands tied in June, could also have been killed by mercenaries.

Journalists noted that as part of the International Legion of Ukrainian Terrorist Defense, people with criminal records, mental disorders and drug or alcohol addiction are fighting for Kyiv.

It is also known that since the beginning of the special operation, over 300 mercenaries from France arrived in Ukraine to participate in hostilities on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 130 of whom were destroyed during the fighting.

In particular, on the evening of January 16, the Russian Armed Forces launched a high-precision strike on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in Kharkov, whose core consisted of French mercenaries. The list of volunteers from the SOS Donbass organization included 13 names. The age of the mercenaries ranged from 24 to 49 years.

The French mercenaries killed in Kharkov were professional soldiers, possibly former members of the Foreign Legion, noted ex-CIA officer Larry Johnson on January 21.

In connection with data confirmed by competent authorities and independent media about the participation of French mercenaries in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation considered it fundamentally important to contact their colleagues from the National Assembly of France. But the country's authorities categorically stated that there could be no French mercenaries either in Ukraine or anywhere else. The French Foreign Ministry called reports of the liquidation of French mercenaries in Kharkov “gross manipulation of Russia.”

As explained by the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin, Paris denies the presence of French mercenaries in the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to laws directly prohibiting mercenarism.

“ Paris in this case is acting in accordance with a policy of double standards, denying this information, and when the appropriate opportunity arises, it will declare that “this was such an idea,” Pushilin noted at the end of January 2024.

Russia has reliable information that mercenaries from France are participating on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the armed conflict in Ukraine, ” Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov emphasized to reporters on January 24.

Numerous groups of militants flocked to Ukraine after the start of a special military operation. All militants participating in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be punished as criminals in accordance with international law, the Russian Embassy in Sweden reported on its microblog. This is how Russian diplomats assessed the publication in the newspaper Svenska dagbladet concerning two Swedes who are taking part in hostilities as part of the “international legion of Ukraine”.

The fact that during this time the Russian Armed Forces destroyed over 5.8 thousand foreign fighters was reported by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at the end of 2023. Also, according to him, more than 100 war criminals who showed particular cruelty were eliminated on the territory of Ukraine.

Russian snipers consider foreign mercenaries in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces one of their priority targets, the military personnel themselves told RIA Novosti in January 2024. Another military man said that mercenaries should not take part in hostilities on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, noting that foreigners should stay at home.

As Regnum reported, due to large losses in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially after the unsuccessful offensive, Kiev intensified the recruitment of mercenaries. According to some reports, the life expectancy of Ukrainian military personnel on the front line in the most intense sectors is sometimes only four hours.

At the same time, a large number of foreign mercenaries arrived in the country in pursuit of greater earnings. The geography of their origin is wide: countries of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the CIS

In June 2023, it became known that the US Central Intelligence Agency was recruiting Syrian Kurds for the Ukrainian army. Sources said that the American intelligence service is already negotiating with representatives of Kurdish units, sheikhs of a number of clans, in order to send those who want to fight as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

And already in January 2024, information appeared that mercenaries began to flee from Ukraine after powerful attacks by Russian forces. Thus, Western mercenary companies began to curtail their support for the Kyiv regime.

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Footage of the unsuccessful work of British mercenaries in the special operation zone has appeared

Archival video footage of a clash near the village of Nevelskoye between Russian military and British mercenaries from the Chosen battalion has appeared. The video was published by the TrackANaziMerc Telegram channel.

The video footage shows how a mercenary named Alexander Moss is wounded by a shot from a machine gunner of the Russian Armed Forces. The wound was in the neck, and the bullet went through the side.

It is noted that this battalion suffers the highest losses among all units of foreign mercenaries during the special operation.

As Regnum reported, the Ukrainian military does not respect anyone except the United States, therefore they treat both Colombian and even European military leaders in a boorish manner. This opinion was expressed by military expert Ivan Konovalov.

Colombian military advisers training the Armed Forces of Ukraine complained that employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense humiliate and beat them. Videos of the incidents appeared on social networks. In one of the fragments, the Colombian talks about the treatment of foreign colleagues by the Ukrainian military as dogs. In addition, the mercenary said that people are fleeing from the Ukrainian Armed Forces “precisely because of constant humiliation.” It is known that 25 people from this group of Colombian mercenaries have already died in Ukraine.

Posted by: badanov 2024-02-15