
​Avdievka: We Are Leaving
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[LB] On February 17, the Defense Forces of Ukraine left Avdiyivka and moved to defense on other fronts - this decision was made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi.

We will tell what the city was for the Ukrainian defenders and what changes its loss.

by Viktor Kevlyuk

Avdievka is a city with an area of ​​29 km², part of the Donetsk-Makiiv agglomeration, with a pre-war population of 32,000 people. There is information that 900 people remain in the city to this day. Positions around the city allow you to control the northern outskirts of Donetsk and Yasynuvata, the southern outskirts of Horlivka, the Donetsk-Horlivka expressway. Yasinuvata is a powerful railway junction on which the enemy's logistics are tied.

Russian proxies captured the city in April 2014, where they proclaimed something there, but they were pushed out during an anti-terrorist operation by 56 infantrymen of the 5th company of the 2nd Battalion Tactical Group of the Kholodny Yar brigade and volunteers of the Right Sector led by Da Vinci on July 28, 2014 year The city was finally liberated on July 30.

After the liberation, Avdievka remained one of the hottest points on the front line for a long time. After Minsk-2, the industrial zone in the southeast of Avdievka became a de facto buffer zone between law and lawlessness. The battles for DAP somewhat overshadowed Avdiivka in those years, but many ATO veterans remember the battles for private development in the garden society, for the ventilation shaft of the "Butivka" mine and the Avdiivka industrial zone. Do you remember the Prombergs? They are from there.

In 2016, the fighting for the Avdiivska promka reached its peak in the spring of 2016, after which the Armed Forces gradually pushed Russian forces south to the highway. Fierce contact battles at distances of 50-70 m were conducted by the "Black Zaporozhians", they suffered losses, they had to urgently collect the assembled company from the "Edelweiss", which had just left for rest and recovery, and fly them to the industrial zone. Then the task was completed.

In general, during the battles around Avdiivka, the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, 58th Separate Mechanized Infantry Brigade, 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade, 81st Separate Airmobile Brigade, 13th Separate Mechanized Infantry Brigade, consolidated units of the 184th and 199th Training centers, 55th OABR, 12th Police Station, volunteers from the "Right Sector".

Some information to understand the last days of the city's defense: the distance to Donetsk is 13 km by road. The city stretches from the northwest to the southeast, measuring approximately 8 by 8 km, conventionally divided into districts: the old city (east of the railway, former Avdiivka-I, private development), microdistricts: Central, Eastern, Railway, 9th quarter, " Yuvileyniy", "Builders" and the village "Khimik" (former name - Avdiivka-II, high-rise building).

The stability of our defense depended (and partly depends even now) on maintaining positions in "Khimik" and the 9th quarter. The city-building enterprise is the Avdiiv Coke Chemical Plant, the largest producer of coke in Europe. Was There are three main roads: T0505 Avdiivka - Donetsk, O0542 Yasinuvata - Zhelanne (the main logistical route of the defenders of Avdiivka), M04, also known as the Donetsk bypass.

From the beginning of the invasion, the enemy tried to push the threat away from Donetsk and made efforts to eliminate our defense area in Avdiivka. The original plan of the enemy command envisaged an operational encirclement, for which he tried to break through Stepove and Berdychi to Orlivka from the north and to the same place - from Vodyanyi and Opytny through Severny. Stepove, Berdychi, Orlivka, Severny - and Ukraine today. Nothing worked out with the operational encirclement, so the enemy launched an easier option - to break through to Avdiivka and cut through the defense of the Tavria anti-aircraft missile defense system, forcing them to retreat from the city.

The first shelling after the Russian invasion was on AKHZ on March 17, 2022. Attempts to surround the city began on July 28, 2022, but the active phase began on October 10, 2023. In October-November alone, the enemy lost 10,000 of his soldiers here, more than 100 tanks, 250 BBMs of various types, about 50 artillery systems and 7 Su-25 aircraft.

To capture Avdiyivka in early 2024, the enemy concentrated here the entire Donetsk 1st Army Corps (1st, 5th, 9th, 110th, 114th, 132nd Territorial defense brigades), the 2nd Army Corps (15- a, 21st and 30th Separate Motorized brigades), Russian 41st army (35th, 55th, 74th Motorized Rifle brigades).

I note that the Donetsk 1st Army Corps is more powerful than both of these armies, only it does not have a missile brigade. Let me summarize: a city 8 by 8 km, with a suburban area of ​​10 by 10 km, a gloomy swamp military genius decided to storm, taking into account every little thing, the troops of TWO ARMIES and a CORPS, bigger than both of them together. Some 40,000 personnel of the occupier were concentrated for the storming of the city.

To understand the geometry of the battlefield: the brigade defends an area up to 20 km along the front and up to 10 km in depth.

The basis of the defense of the "Tavria" air defense system in Avdievka is the 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Colonel-General Mark Bezruchka from the Reserve Corps. Once again, for those who read inattentively, from the Reserve Corps, that is, until February 22, 2024, the brigade did not exist in nature. The brigade occupied the defense in Avdiivka at the end of March 2022.

In personalities: the commander of the 2nd Army, Major General Vyacheslav Gurov, the commander of the Russian 41st Army, Lieutenant General Serhiy Ryzhkov, and the commander of the Donetsk 1st Corps, Major General Serhiy Primakov, could not defeat the Hero of Ukraine, the commander of the 110th Brigade, Colonel Mykola Chumaka

At the end of January, the enemy's tactics began to slide towards the well-known "Bakhmut-Soledar-Lysychansk-Lyman" - the realization of numerical superiority with the support of artillery and airstrikes, which simply destroy the positions and at the same time - the entire building. No pretense and tactical highlights.

Although it is worth recalling the passage of a group of 150 enemy fighters through a drain pipe to the rear of our positions in the vicinity of the "Tsarska Okhota" complex. Of course, this is our goal - the terrain where you are fighting must be studied, including communications. In general, the tactical technique is interesting: the sounds of the cutters, which were used to make holes for the passage, were drowned out by the fire of mortars.

The situation became most critical on February 14-15. Russian troops began to change the direction of their main attack, focusing on breaking through the city and creating the conditions to push the 110th Separate Territorial defense Brigade of the Defense Forces out of the settlement.

On February 15, the enemy advanced to the southern outskirts of the Avdievka coke plant in the northwest of Avdievka, cut the last road to Avdievka that connected the southern and northern parts of the city, trying to disrupt logistics, but units of the "Tavria" OSUV used reserve routes from Lastochkino and Severny.

On the same day, units of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade
arrived in the city and began a complex of measures to ensure the withdrawal of troops from the city.

On February 16, our troops leave the "Zenith" position (the former PPD of the anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces) and the ATP-100 area.

The enemy made some conclusions for himself and did not try to get bogged down in the assaults of AKHZ and other well-fortified positions, refused to take actions on the encirclement, got rid of the dream of inflicting maximum losses on the defenders of Avdiyivka. That is, the enemy's command is confident only that it and its troops are capable of confidently solving only tactical tasks and are not capable of something larger.

Let's summarize:
- the capture of Avdiyivka by the enemy has no operational significance, in itself it does not provide any operationally significant advantages and does not open the way for operationally significant advances;

- the Putinists will stir up fanfare and will for some time trumpet about another "magical victory" (reality: two armies and a corps defeated one brigade for six months and eventually squeezed it out of the city). This event should become one of the cornerstones of the pre-election rhetoric of the team of the Kremlin vice-emperor. This "victory" will be sold to the electorate as a significant victory that will strengthen control over the "new territories of the Russian Federation";

- Russian ultra-nationalists and other Great Russian code will sing about "securing the "capital of the DPR" from the attacks of Ukrainian fascists";

- to the next nearest city - Pokrovska - 47 km in a straight line or 60 - by road, most of the settlements from Avdievka to the west are fortified and prepared for defense, one should think that a defensive line has been prepared (it is worth checking), so the enemy will not advance there fast, not easy. We will have to advance in open terrain, so the losses will be significant;

- the enemy suffered huge losses in the battles for Avdievka, so he will not immediately be able to proceed to the next stage of the operation - to enter the administrative border of the Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions, he will need a long period of recovery;

- along with this, the enemy has good prospects for local tactical gains in the areas of Berdychi, Lastochkin, Severny and Pervomaisky;

- the decision to withdraw from Avdiyivka was made by the tactical situation, not by the Zaluzhny-Syrskyi-Tarnavskyi-Chumak-Anglo-Saxons-who are in control of the army. The Command of the Defense Forces made the right and timely decision to withdraw, albeit an unpopular one;

- a certain number of Ukrainian soldiers were captured during the retreat, of course we leave behind a certain amount of equipment and supplies that could not be evacuated. It's a shame;

- the pace of the enemy's advance in Avdiivka shows that the units of the "Tavria" OSUV are withdrawing in a relatively organized manner, putting up resistance, and all the statements of Russian propaganda about "escape" are empty chatter;

- geolocation shows that there is about 3.5 km between the northern (114th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade) and southern (35th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade) claws of the Russian "encirclement", that is, ours will come out. General Tarnavskyi, the commander of the "Tavria" anti-aircraft defense unit, stated that as of 1:00 p.m. on February 16, no Ukrainian unit was surrounded. Our 3rd oshbr conducted several counterattacks, pushing the enemy's 114th and 74th Separate Territorial Defense rigades away from the exit corridors.

We thank the 47th, 72nd, 110th, 115th Separate Mechanized brigades, 71st Oebr, 3rd Separate Assault Brigade (Azov), 109th, 116th Separate Territorial Defense brigades, 6th, 52nd OSB, 1st, 503rd Obmp, 53rd Separate mechanized Brigade, 59th Separate Infantry Rifle Brigade, 225th oshb, 104th, 147th Separate Territorial Defense brigades, National Police Regiment "Kyiv", units of the Russian Volunteer Corps, which at different times joined the defense of Avdievka and fulfilled their tasks worthily.

When the front fell in the summer of 1941, the Headquarters of the General Staff of the USSR made a decision to form 10 sapper armies with 2-4 sapper brigades in each. 19 separate sapper battalions in each brigade (staff number 012/93, 497 servicemen in the battalion). 9,979 servicemen in the brigade. Small arms - for 5% of personnel, but everyone has a shovel. Their forces were equipped with strategic rear defense lines - a system of battalion defense areas prepared in terms of fortification and company strongholds, created on the main directions of the enemy's probable advance and on defensive perimeters around large cities. At first, in a number of areas, including in the Stalingrad, North Caucasus, and Volga Military Districts, these boundaries were drawn up continuously. That is, formally speaking, 10 armies, some 300,000 sappers, in 1941-42 DUG THE SOVIET UNION FROM THE WHITE SEA TO THE BLACK SEA.

What do we have? Does the stake see this urgent need to dig, fill with concrete, mine? Our offensive in the Azov region seems to have shown the whole world that the time of trenches has not yet passed. What did he show us?

In 1941, the construction of all defense lines was managed by the Main Military Engineering Department of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the Union of the SSR. Maybe it's time to mention it?

On November 28, 1941, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command issued order No. 0450 "On the underestimation of the engineering service and the improper use of engineering troops and means." There are two engineer brigades and 6 engineer regiments within our Command of Support Forces and Operational Commands. Their capabilities do not allow them to perform the entire range of tasks of operational support, neither in the interests of the operation of the operational group, nor, even more so, operational-strategic. Their number should be at least doubled. But in 2015, we were held back by the limit on the number of armed forces. What's stopping you now?

Defense Minister of Ukraine Rustem Umyerov emphasized : "Our lessons learned regarding Avdiyivka: modern air defense systems are needed so that the enemy cannot use anti-aircraft missiles, long-range weapons are needed to destroy enemy warehouses, artillery shells are needed. We build and strengthen fortifications." But it is not clear whether at least a strategic defensive line will appear.

Meanwhile, Russia announced plans to place nuclear weapons in Earth orbit. I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Posted by: badanov 2024-02-18