
Perv sez al-Qaeda's smashed...
President General Pervez Musharraf said yesterday that the arrest of the suspected Al Qaida members has smashed the backbone of this shadowy group, a day after Al Qaida suspect Ramzi bin Al Shaibah and four others were flown out of the country in U.S. custody, and in a major breakthrough, one of the Al Qaida suspects arrested along with Ramzi bin Al Shaibah was identified as the killer of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
I hate it when people say things like that. It means that next week the Bad Guys are gonna get in a bite on our collective backside and it's gonna hurt. They aren't going to be "smashed" until the Pope visits Mecca to have cigars and ham sandwiches, and maybe a couple glasses of Chianti, with the Imam of the Grand Mosque.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-18