
Calling Islam stupid lands author in court
Michel Houellebecq, whose new novel Platform was released in Britain this month, appeared in a Paris court yesterday charged with inciting religious and racial hatred in an interview about the book, in which he dismissed Islam as "stupid".
Well, that's pretty... uh... dumb.
The charges, based on a complaint by the Islamic authorities in Lyon and Paris, are being challenged by a group of best-selling authors led by Philippe Sollers and Régine Desforges who have condemned the trail as an attack on freedom of speech.
"Duh... Just cuz we drool and say 'duh' alla time don't mean we're stoopid... And lotsa people that don't wear turbans is stoopid, too..."
Next month the court will hear a complaint by Islamic leaders against the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci for describing Muslims as "a billion rats".
"Duh! We ain't no rats! Nope. Nope. We ain't go no tails!"
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-18