
Arab News on Sammy's good faith...
Fawaz Turki in Arab News...
Baghdad should show good faith and prove [Bush] wrong. Will it, instead, prevaricate by setting improbable conditions on the tasks of the inspectors, as had been its wont till 1998 (no inspection of the president’s palaces, no inspection during business hours, and the like), thereby missing an opportunity to avert a devastating war waged against it? For keep in mind, neither the UN nor the US is in a mood to negotiate conditions here.
Matter of fact, one of 'em's just itchin'...
If the country does not possess "weapons of mass destruction," then it has nothing to fear from UN inspectors, whatever the tasks they are called upon to perform. If it does have them, the price it will pay for their removal will be miniscule compared to the one it will surely pay otherwise.
"How much will it cost?"
"How much you got?"

Sometimes those who do not learn from history are not only doomed to repeat it, but are just doomed. So, are we going to see a repeat performance of what happened after August 2, 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait and rejected mediation efforts to have it withdraw its occupation forces from there?
My guess is "yes."
Another one courtesy of Steve...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-19