
Some One Missed the Final Installment on their Payment Plan
[CaucasusWatch] On March 16, about 30 citizens of Georgia attempting to reach the US-Mexico border were kidnapped in Mexico, reportedly by a local cartel. The kidnappers have demanded $90,000 in ransom, Georgia's "Mtavari" TV Channel reported.

Relatives of the kidnapped individuals revealed that one hostage managed to contact his family, conveying the ransom demand. He disclosed being held in a basement with around 120 other hostages.

Reports from Georgian media outlets indicate that half of the ransom, $45,000, has already been paid for releasing 15 individuals, with negotiations ongoing for the remaining captives.

...back at the cheese factory, there was only one thought in the mouse's mind: I can do this! I can do this! Then the trap sprung...
the Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili does not confirm this information about the kidnapping of Georgian citizens.

"Some TV channels report that Georgians have been kidnapped. No one, except you, is talking about the kidnapping of Georgians. Do not mislead our citizens. You should have the strength and opportunity to declare that it was unverified information when spreading incorrect and unsubstantiated information. No one is talking about this kidnapping except you and I urge you to refrain from spreading lies," Darchiashvili said.

The Foreign Minister noted that the Foreign Ministry and Georgian embassies are always ready to assist citizens if they need such support. At the same time, Darchiashvili did not say where and in what conditions the Georgian citizens are now.

Posted by: Jefe101 2024-03-20