
Bloodthirsty computer programmer nabbed in Luton...
Cato the Youngest beat me to this story...
An unemployed computer programmer appeared in court Thursday charged with collecting information that could be used to plan a terrorist attack. Prosecutors accused Muhammed Abdulah Azam, 32, of possessing books and documents outlining how to make bombs and weapons which could have been used in a terrorist attack. Azam, a Briton of Pakistani origin, spoke only to confirm his name and address when he appeared in Bow Street Magistrates Court in central London Thursday. District Judge Timothy Workman ordered that he be remanded in custody because of "the nature and the gravity of the allegation." Azam, from Luton, 30 miles north of London, was arrested Sunday. Scotland Yard said he had been charged under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act with collecting information "of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, or had in his possession documents or records containing information of that kind."
Seems the Brits hit more than one rats' nest...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-09-19