
Thursday's outage
Rantburg.com had a major blackout, for about four hours, because of a power outage. Could not be helped.

The outage was a blessing because I found out the backup server had not backed up anything since November 23rd of last year. This was due in part to a subtle change, I am told, of how postgresql database handles some objects.

How do you miss a major function of a backup server after almost four months? One of my non-major email accounts continually was getting updates from the two main scripts used to update the server, once every hour, like clockwork. The scripts in the mainserver suffered the outage which sent data to the backup server, without updating the data, without really backing it up.

The backup server can be accessed here, -- but be advised --it doesn't have a secure socket layer, so your browser will bitch and moan about it being insecure. Also two browsers, Chrome and MS Edge, may not even load the page. You'll have to replace the https with http to see it.

Rules on accessing the server applies. It will be fully operational at about 25 minutes after the hour. Between the top of the hour and then, it is repopulating the database from backed up data, which it should do every hour on the hour.

That is another issue to be fixed soon: an SSL certificate to be applied to it and some other subdomains I own.

We have a backup oclub here, which is a severely deprecated message board that only allows some texts messages, and not much else.

There is a Discord server, which you can access through this invite: https://discord.gg/CmkfNrHM

The link has a life of seven days, so if it doesn't work, let me know.

One last item: a round (booze or applause) for the mods fighting off the forces of darkness and evil Wednesday, who were spamming Rantburg.com.

Posted by: badanov 2024-03-22