
El Paso is a ghost town days after stampede involving 600 MIGRANTS as Gov. Abbott threatens full force of law as part of $10 BILLION border plan
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Governor sends more National Guard members following migrant riot Thursday

  • Number of migrants crossing into US through Texas has plummeted, as border crossings have spiked in New Mexico, Arizona, California

The site of last week's migrant riot in El Paso had largely emptied out Monday, as the Texas National Guard sent in more troops and reinforced the crossing with more razor wire.

Thursday, some 600 migrants stormed the barrier placed by Texas soldiers and had violent confrontations-- resulting in the arrest of one migrant for assaulting a service member.

Junior Evaristo-Benitez, 21, of Honduras, has been charged with assault on a public servant, a 3rd degree felony, and is being held at the El Paso County Jail, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed.

Posted by: Skidmark 2024-03-26