
It's Time For Republicans To Put Up Or Shut Up On Hunter Biden
[Daily Caller] The biggest letdown is the realization that Republicans in Congress will not use the power they are given, even when the facts are undeniable.
"Letdown?" No, just another confirmation of Washington corruption.
Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, face a mountain of evidence alleging they conspired to make millions using Biden’s name and office as collateral. But the American people will never see them face the consequences of these decisions because House Republicans are more interested in bolstering their Twitter profiles and gaining media hits than in holding them accountable.

Fox News host Dana Perino said that people are watching GOP members hold the same hearing "over and over again" without any resolution.
"Without any resolution" is the interim goal. The long-awaited Presidential Pardon will relieve us of this unpleasantness.
"At the end of this week, Congress is due to go into recess for another two weeks," Perino added. "And I do think that, in some ways, it just feels like they keep doing the same hearing over and over again. And people are starting to wonder at some point, do you fish or cut bait and do something about a vote or not and move on to the general election?"

She’s right. These hearings started in 2023, and it’s clear that not a single person involved is even worried that Republicans will do anything to them because they know what we all know... these hearings are useless fodder for GOP reelection campaigns.\
The Epstein solution is not an options. The insanity must continue until a pardon is issued.

Federalist - House Republicans Probe CIA Interference In Hunter Biden Investigation

Judiciary Committee - Whistleblower Reveals CIA Stonewalled Interview with Hunter Biden Business Associate

NYP - Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story

Posted by: Besoeker 2024-03-26